When possible, transitional zoning techniques shall be used to manage transitions from high density and intense land uses to low density and less intense land uses. All buildings in C-2X Districts shall utilize transition zones of widths determined by the use of the adjacent zone. Transition zones in a C-2X parcel shall be equal to the width of the adjacent residential parcel when it is an AA, A, B, and MF-1 District. When a C-2X District is immediately adjacent to a low density residential use (AA, A, B, and MF-1 Districts), design elements shall be used to create a reasonable buffer that protects the quality of life for those on residential parcels. The following design tools shall be employed in this effort.
   Transition zone elements are as follows:
   (a)    Sideyard Setback Distance. In general, the more different the adjacent zone is in intensity of use and density to the C-2X Zone, the greater the side yard setback distance. See the chart in Section 1131.14.
   (b)    Front Setback. As the building approaches the adjacent parcel, it shall setback to more closely approach the setback of the building on the adjacent parcel. This setback must be a minimum of forty percent (40%) of the setback of the adjacent parcel’s building. The setback as measured is the distance from the back side of the sidewalk to the facade of the building. The setback for the building in the C-2X District shall begin at the point where the transition zone starts. The utilization of frontage zone techniques and transitional setbacks of the building’s massing are encouraged to develop a reasonable architectural transition. Where the entire building facade is already setback and utilizes appropriate frontage design techniques, no additional setback is required.
   (c)    Upper Floor Stepbacks. As the building approaches the adjacent parcel, its height shall use floor setbacks to allow for appropriate transitions from high density, intense land uses to lower density and less intense land uses. Buildings on C-2X parcels shall stepback on floors above forty-five (45) feet. Stepbacks shall be a minimum of six (6) feet. When possible, greater stepbacks are encouraged when they create useable terrace or rooftop space that looks out to the street or the rear yard, but is not encouraged to look out to the adjacent parcel for privacy purposes.
   (d)    Landscaping and Fencing. Where a C-2X District abuts an AA, A, B, or MF-1 District, a combination of landscaping and fencing shall be used to develop a reasonable buffer that protects the privacy of the residential neighbor.
(Ord. 187-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)