For purposes of this chapter:
   (a)    "Clearance examination" means an examination, performed by a clearance technician, lead inspector, or lead risk assessor, to determine whether lead hazards in a residential unit have been sufficiently controlled. A clearance examination includes a visual assessment, collection and analysis of environmental samples.
   (b)    "Clearance technician" means a person, other than a licensed lead inspector or lead risk assessor, who is licensed under Ohio R.C. Chapter 3742 to perform a clearance examination.
   (c)    "Lead-safe certification" means that the owner of a residential rental unit built before January 1, 1978 has provided to the Building Commissioner a clearance examination report or lead risk assessment that indicates that lead hazards are not identified in the unit. A lead-safe certification is valid for two (2) years from the date of the certification.
   (d)    "Building Commissioner" means the Building Commissioner or designee.
   (e)    "Landlord" means the owner, lessor, or sublessor of residential premises, his or her agent, or any person authorized by him or her to manage the premises or to receive rent from a tenant under a rental agreement.
   (f)    "Lead-based paint" means any paint or other similar surface-coating substance containing lead at or in excess of the level that is hazardous to human health as set forth in Rule 3701-32-19 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) as it may be hereafter amended.
   (g)    "Lead hazard" means material that is likely to cause lead exposure and endanger an individual's health as set forth in OAC Rule 3701-32-19. Lead hazard includes lead-based paint lead-contaminated dust lead-contaminated soil. and lead-contaminated water pipes.
   (h)    "Lead inspector" means any person licensed under Ohio R.C. Chapter 3742 to conduct a lead inspection. provide professional advice regarding a lead inspection. or prepare a report explaining the results of a lead inspection.
   (i)   “Lead risk assessment" means an on-site investigation to determine and report the existence, nature, severity, and location of lead hazards in a residential unit including information gathering from the unit, current owner's knowledge regarding the age and painting history of the unit, and occupancy by children under six (6) years of age, visual inspection, limited wipe sampling or other environmental sampling techniques, and any other activity as may be appropriate.
   (j)   "Lead risk assessor" means a person licensed under Ohio R.C. Chapter 3742 who is responsible for developing a written inspection, risk assessment and analysis plan; conducting inspections for lead hazards in a residential unit; interpreting results of inspections or risk assessments; identifying hazard control strategies to reduce or eliminate lead exposures; and completing a risk assessment report.
   (k)    "Lead-safe Auditor" means an employee of the City of Cleveland Heights, contracted service. or coalition hired or retained by the City to assist in the administration of the City's lead-safe certification program.
   (l)    "Owner" means the person, partnership or corporation that holds title to the residential rental unit.
   (m)    "Permanent" means an expected design life of at least twenty (20) years.
   (n)    "Rental agreement" means any agreement or lease, written or oral, which establishes or modifies the terms, conditions, rules, or any other provisions concerning the use and occupancy of residential premises by one (1) of the parties.
   (o)   "Residential rental unit" means any part of a building being used, designed or intended to be used as an individual's private residence, including a unit occupied by one (1) or more persons regardless of whether the occupant pays rent or provides anything else of value to the titled owner in consideration for occupying the structure. A residential rental unit does not include a unit occupied by the titled owner.
   (p)    "Tenant" means a person entitled under a rental agreement to the use and occupancy of residential premises to the exclusion of others.
      (Ord. 098-2023. Passed 6-20-23.)