(a) If a business structure, including without limitation a commercial, industrial or institutional structure, located within the City is owned by a person or persons, none of whom reside within Cuyahoga County, the owner(s) of the business structure, within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Section 1369.16
or within thirty (30) days after obtaining ownership of the structure, whichever is later, and annually thereafter, shall register with the Commissioner of Buildings on a form prescribed by the Commissioner of Buildings and designate an authorized agent for each structure. The authorized agent must be a natural person eighteen (18) years of age or older who maintains a physical office in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, or actually resides within Cuyahoga County, Ohio. By designating an authorized agent under the provisions of this section, the owner is consenting to receive any and all notices of violations of City ordinances and to receive process, in any court proceeding or administrative enforcement proceeding related to the use or maintenance of the property or business structure, including, but not limited to, proceedings related to the enforcement of the Business Maintenance Code or Building Code, by service of the notice or process on the authorized agent. The failure of the owner of the structure to obtain a deed for the property or to file the deed with the County Recorder shall not excuse the owner from compliance with this Section 1369.16.
(b) Any owner who has designated an authorized agent under the provisions of this Section 1369.16
shall be deemed to consent to the continuation of the agent’s designation for the purpose of this subsection until the owner notifies the Commissioner of Buildings in writing on a form prescribed for such purpose by the Commissioner of Buildings of a change of authorized agent or until the Commissioner of Buildings is notified in writing that an owner of the business structure is now residing within Cuyahoga County and registration is no longer required under this section.
(c) The registration fee under this Section 1369.16
shall be $100.00. The registration process under this Section 1369.16
shall be the same as the registration process set forth in Section 1369.17
and as further set forth by the Commissioner of Buildings. Registration under Section 1369.17
shall not negate the requirement for registration under this Section 1369.16.
(Ord. 104-2023. Passed 6-22-23.)