Pursuant to Section 1351.30, "properly maintained in good repair and free from health, accident and fire hazard" means having been inspected for, among others, the following items:
(a) The structural supports.
(b) The exterior painting.
(c) The exterior trim.
(d) The doors. (NOTE: Where the doors are side-hinged, they shall not be repaired by application of plywood, pressboard, and/or similar materials. The only acceptable repair shall be the replacement with like or similar parts. Overhead doors shall be on track, and rollers shall be in place.)
(e) The windows.
(f) The siding.
(g) The plates and joists.
(h) The roof supports.
(i) The electrical service, if in existence.
(j) The interior floor.
(k) The roof, gutters, downspouts and chimneys.
(l) The sheathing.
(Ord. 104-1983. Passed 12-19-83.)