The following sign regulations are in addition to the maximum sign area and height regulations set forth in Sections 1163.04 and 1163.05.
   (a)   Safety/Security Signs in Residential Districts. For residential dwelling units, the following shall be permitted in addition to the permitted nameplate.
      (1)   On the inside of a window, or on the glass portion of a door, or in the front yard of a dwelling, one (1) sign not more than 175 square inches in area, containing a brief statement directly relating to the physical safety and security of the occupants of the premises; examples of such statement being "Block Watch", "Beware of Dog", and "Protected by Electronic Security System", provided that no sign shall be placed within the minimum front yard provided for by the Zoning Code for the district in which the dwelling is located. No security sign that is placed within the front yard of a dwelling shall have a height, including the supporting stake or pole, that exceeds three (3) feet. A sign may not identify a particular security system by name and/or logo or otherwise, or include any commercial message. The Architectural Board of Review shall promulgate and adopt standards relating to the color, design, material, size, shape and style of lettering of all signs.
      (2)   On the inside of a window or the glass portion of a door, a sign of not more than sixteen (16) square inches in area, containing a basic statement directly relating to the physical safety and security of the occupants of the premises; examples of such a statement being "Block Watch", "Beware of Dog", and "Protected by Electronic Security System". Only one (1) sign shall be affixed to each window or door. The signs authorized by this provision shall be permitted in addition to the single sign permitted by subsection (a)(1) hereof. A sign may not identify a particular security system by name and/or logo or otherwise or include any commercial message.
   (b)   Signs in a Park District. For each public park in a Park District, one (1) freestanding identification sign is permitted for each street frontage. Each sign shall not exceed the maximum area per sign face for institutional identification signs permitted in Schedule 1163.04. In addition, conditional uses in a Park District may have further identification signs subject to Planning Commission approval and the Architectural Board of Review.
   (c)   Freestanding Signs for Gasoline Stations. Freestanding commercial identification signs are permitted for gasoline stations in compliance with the following regulations:
      (1)   One (1) freestanding identification sign with a maximum area of thirty-six (36) square feet per sign face is permitted per zoning lot. The area of the freestanding sign shall be in addition to the maximum area permitted in Section 1163.04;
      (2)   The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall be sixteen (16) feet;
      (3)   No portion of any freestanding sign shall project into the public right-of- way.
   (d)   Freestanding Signs in an S-1 Mixed Use District. Freestanding signs identifying the occupant of individual premises shall not exceed thirty-six (36) square feet in area per sign face nor project more than eight (8) feet above the ground, and shall not be located nearer than eighty (80) feet to the boundary of the S-1 District, nor nearer than 150 feet to directly abutting property under separate ownership which is in the AA or A Districts. Not more than one (1) freestanding sign identifying the entire parcel development of the S-1 District shall be permitted for each 500 feet of frontage upon a public street bounding the parcel at the time the tract was transferred to an S-1 Mixed Use District, and such sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in area on each face.
   (e)   Additional Allowances for Commercial Identification Signs.
      (1)   Corner lots. Buildings located on corner lots may have an identification sign on each street side of the building provided the building wall area adjoining each street is computed separately for each allowable sign area.
      (2)   Rear entrances. There may be an additional sign not more than fifteen (15) square feet attached to the building at a public entrance not fronting on a street that opens from a parking lot or having access from a parking lot used by the public.
      (3)   Building identification for multiple-tenant commercial facilities. In addition to the permitted sign area, a site with more than one (1) tenant shall be permitted additional sign area of one-quarter (1/4) square foot for each linear foot of building frontage, not to exceed fifty (50) square feet. Such sign area shall be limited to the identification of the commercial building.
      (4)   Signs for businesses not on the ground floor.
         A.   Each ground floor entrance providing access to tenants located above or below the ground floor, or ground floor tenants which do not have frontage on a street or parking lot, shall be permitted one (1) square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of building frontage devoted to such entrance provided that at least ten (10) square feet shall be permitted in any case and the maximum sign area shall be 150 square feet. Such sign shall be considered a commercial identification sign and shall comply with the regulations specified in Schedule 1163.04 for such signs. For the purposes of this section, ground floor entrance shall include that portion of the building frontage on the ground floor devoted to the lobbies or foyers or entrances providing access to tenants on other floors.
         B.   For a multi-story retail or office building, each tenant above the ground floor is permitted one (1) permanent sign to be placed in a window of the tenant's space, not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the window area. In no case shall the maximum permitted area exceed twenty (20) square feet. These signs may be considered in addition to the maximum allowable area for identification signs pursuant to Schedule 1163.04.
Section 1163.06(e)(4)
Permitted sign area at ground floor entrance
One (1) sq. ft. for each lineal foot of building frontage devoted to entrance
* Each entrance permitted at least 10 sq. ft.
* Maximum area = 150 sq. ft.
Permitted window sign
Ten percent (10%) of window area or 20 sq. ft. whichever is greater.
      (5)   Window signs. In addition to the allowable identification sign area, window signs for first floor tenants shall be permitted in compliance with the following:
         A.   Permanent window signs, which is any window sign displayed for more than sixty (60) days, shall have a maximum area no greater than ten percent (10%) of the total window area. See subsection (b) below. Permanent window signs that exceed ten percent (10%) shall be calculated as part of the allowable identification sign area.
         B.   Window sign(s) may be aggregated onto one (1) window panel provided such sign does not cover more than thirty percent (30%) of the window panel on which it is affixed.
         C.   In total, temporary window signs and permanent window signs shall be no greater than twenty percent (20%) of the total window area, provided further that the sign(s) shall not cover more than thirty percent (30%) of any one (1) window panel.
         D.   No window sign for a first floor tenant shall be located or placed in a window at a height greater than fifteen (15) feet above grade.
         E.   Any sign placed inside a display window and which is visible from the exterior of the window shall be subject to the maximum area regulations set forth in subsection (5)C. hereof.
         F.   No sign shall be painted on a window and no window shall be otherwise painted unless approved by the Architectural Board of Review.
      (6)   Awning signs. A permitted identification sign may be placed on an awning, applied to the face of the awning, in compliance with the following:
         A.   In addition to the permitted sign area, address numerals may be located on an awning provided they do not exceed one and one-half (1.5) square feet in area.
         B.   Awnings may be back-lit.
         C.   All awning signs shall be subject to the review and approval of the Architectural Board of Review.
      (7)   Marquee signs. In addition to the allowable commercial identification sign area, a marquee sign (including permanent identification and changeable copy) may be permitted as a conditional use for an auditorium used for the regular showing of movies, concerts, plays and other similar productions in compliance with the following:
         A.   The size and shape of the marquee and the area of the marquee sign shall be determined by the Planning Commission during its review of the conditional use application.
         B.   The marquee sign shall be subject to the review and approval of the Architectural Board of Review.
         C.   Flashing or animated lights may be permitted as an integral part of a marquee sign with approval of both the Planning Commission and the Architectural Board of Review. Permission shall be granted only after a specific finding by the Planning Commission that the lights will not adversely impact residential properties or the general character of the commercial neighborhood in which the sign is located and a specific finding by the Architectural Board of Review that the lights will enhance the architectural qualities of the marquee and the building to which the marquee sign is attached. In the event flashing or animated lights are permitted, they may be activated or displayed only from 12:00 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and from 12:00 p.m. until Midnight on Friday and Saturday. The Mayor or designee may issue a special temporary permit for an extended or different period of time during which the flashing or animated lights may be activated for a special event.
         D.   These regulations shall apply to an auditorium which is a legal prior nonconforming use in a C-2 District or a permitted use in a C-3 District.
   (f)   Temporary Signs. Temporary signs shall be permitted in any district in compliance with the following:
      (1)   Subject to the provisions of this section, temporary signs shall be permitted for the following purposes:
         A.   To express an opinion on an election, political issue or other subject, but not to propose or promote a commercial transaction or product except as provided in subsections B. and C. hereinbelow.
         B.   To notify the public of the availability of the premises for sale, for rent or for viewing - e.g. - “for sale”, “for rent” or “open house”.
         C.   To advise the public of the location of a residential personal property sale (“garage” or “yard” sale).
      (2)   Signs permitted under subsections B. and C. are allowed only on the premises which are for sale or lease or upon which the residential personal property sale is occurring. A property owner may display no more than one (1) “for sale” sign, one (1) “for rent” sign, one (1) “open house” sign and one (1) “garage sale” or “yard sale” sign at any one time. Such signs must meet all other provisions of this Code. The owner of a multiple-family apartment building may place a “for rent” notice on an approved residential identification sign or on a temporary sign, but not on both.
      (3)   Signs may be permitted inside windows, inside the glass portion of doors, and/or in yards. Window and door signs shall be limited to the first floor unless the dwelling unit or business at which they are being displayed is located entirely on the second floor or above.
      (4)   Yard signs must be supported by a solid structure, firmly anchored into the ground. Hanging signs shall not be permitted. Yard signs must be set back at least twenty (20) feet from the nearest edge of the sidewalk, unless the distance from the front building line to the nearest edge of the sidewalk is less than twenty-three (23) feet, in which case the sign shall be placed no more than three (3) feet from the front building line. All yard signs must be placed parallel to the street adjoining the yard upon which they are placed. On corner lots, yard signs shall not be placed in the portion of the front yard which would be covered by the corner side yard if the corner side yard were extended forward from the front building line to the front right-of-way line.
      (5)   No sign permitted by this section shall be illuminated in any manner or contain any blinking or flashing lights or moving parts.
      (6)   All temporary signs must be removed or replaced within forty-five (45) days. Except as provided herein below, any temporary signs related to a specific event (primary, general or special election, sporting event, sale or rental of house, etc.) shall be removed within five (5) business days after the event has concluded. All “yard sale” or “garage sale” signs shall be removed within twelve (12) hours after the sale is concluded. “Open house” signs shall be displayed only during the times the premises are actually open to the public for viewing. For the purposes of this subsection, the “sale” of a property shall be deemed to have “concluded” when title transfers or when the property is withdrawn from the market, whichever first occurs, and the “rental” of a property shall be deemed to be “concluded” when the owner/agent enters into an oral or written lease agreement with a tenant. A “for rent” sign shall not be placed on any property more than sixty (60) days prior to the expected vacancy date of a unit in the building.
      (7)   Religious and other holiday lights and decorations containing no commercial message are exempt from the above regulations and shall be permitted during the appropriate time of year.
      (8)   Freestanding temporary signs may be approved by the Planning Commission for a conditionally permitted use in a Park District.
      (9)   Freestanding temporary signs for institutional uses in a residential, commercial or special district for the purpose of announcing and identifying a special event may be approved by the Planning Commission. Such signs shall be displayed for a maximum of three (3) days. Subsequent approval of such temporary sign may be approved by the Zoning Administrator provided the size and placement of the sign are the same as previously approved.
      (10)   If, due to the topography, existing foliage, or other similar condition existing as to a particular property, conformance with the setback, size and height restrictions set forth in this Chapter would impair the visibility of a temporary sign as observed from the street, then the Zoning Administrator may grant exceptions to the size and/or location regulations. In determining whether to grant an exception, the sole standard to be used by the Zoning Administrator is the visibility of the sign and no sign shall exceed the height, location or distance which is reasonably necessary to render the sign visible when observed from the public street. In no event shall the Zoning Administrator waive the maximum sign area.
      (11)   Freestanding temporary signs shall not be permitted in commercial districts.
      (12)   Temporary sponsorship signs at an event taking place at an athletic field and temporary sponsorship signage plans for all sport seasons and events taking place on an athletic field may be conditionally approved by the Planning Commission. Such signs or signage plans shall meet the following conditions:
         A.   The sign(s) shall be displayed on a fence.
         B.   The sign(s) shall identify a sponsor of the event.
         C.   The sign(s) shall be placed so as to be directed toward the persons in attendance at the event.
         D.   The sign(s) shall be no larger than 24 square feet.
         E.   Approved signs may be erected and displayed for an entire sporting season or length of the event as determined by the Planning Commission.
         F.   Sponsorship identification signs may be displayed on a scoreboard or backstop and may include the field name.
         G.   Team identification signs no larger than 12 square feet may be displayed on dugouts.
         H.   All sponsorship signage must be maintained in good condition.
            (Ord. 53-2013. Passed 8-5-13; Ord. 153-2021. Passed 12-6-21.)
   (g)   Construction Signs. A construction sign shall be permitted only in compliance with the following:
      (1)   A construction sign for an institutional use in a residential district shall identify only the name of the organization, name of the building and street address, and shall be free of any commercial advertising.
      (2)   A construction sign shall be designed in conformance with all applicable building codes and constructed with materials which are durable for the intended life of the sign as determined by the Building Commissioner.
   (h)   Sponsor Scoreboard Sign. A Sponsor Scoreboard Sign accessory to an athletic field may be approved by the Planning Commission. Such signs shall meet the following conditions:
      (1)   The signage shall be an integral part of an athletic field scoreboard.
      (2)   The signage shall face the persons in attendance at the field.
      (3)   The sponsorship signage portion of the scoreboard shall not be internally lit.
      (4)   The signage shall not cover more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the scoreboard area.
      (5)   The scoreboard shall be located on and be accessory to an athletic field actively used for athletic events.
         (Ord. 52-2013. Passed 8-5-13.)
   (i)   Any sign authorized by this Chapter is permitted to contain a noncommercial message in lieu of other messages, provided that such sign is displayed by the property owner or tenant without compensation.
      (Ord. 025-2023. Passed 6-5-23.)