When a vacancy occurs on the Board of Park Commissioners by reason of death, resignation, change of residence from the City or for any other cause, Council shall appoint his successor. The member so appointed shall serve the unexpired term of the member in whose stead he is appointed.
(1969 Code §2-91)
After appointment, the members of the Board of Park Commissioners shall qualify by taking and filing with the City Clerk the oath prescribed by law for public officials, and the members of the Board shall not be permitted to serve upon the Board until they have so qualified. If any member of the Board shall fail to so qualify on or before the date on which he should assume the duties of his office, Council may declare his position vacant and appoint a successor as provided in Section 133.03.
At the first meeting held after the Board has been appointed and thereafter biannually on the first Monday of September, except for the first Board appointed after the passage of this article, which shall organize as soon as possible, the members of the Board shall organize by electing one of their number president and another vice-president, and by electing a secretary, who need not be a member of the Board. The secretary shall keep an account of all the fiscal affairs of the Board and shall keep a minute book in which he shall record the procedures and transactions of the Board. The secretary shall be paid such compensation for his services as the Board shall fix from year to year. The City Director of Finance shall be ex officio treasurer of the Board and he shall take the oath prescribed by law and shall furnish such bond as may be required by the Board.
(1969 Code §2-92)
The members of the Board of Park Commissioners shall receive no compensation for their services, but they shall be entitled to reimbursement for any reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as members of the Board. They shall not be personally interested directly or indirectly in any contract entered into by the Board, or hold any remunerative position in connection with the construction, operation or maintenance of any property under their control as members of the Board.
(1969 Code §2-93)
The Board of Park Commissioners shall be furnished suitable office space where it may hold its meetings and keep its records. The Board shall have exclusive control and management of all the properties which shall operate in connection with the public park system for the City and shall have power to employ such persons as in its opinions may be necessary for the construction, operation and maintenance of the property under its control, at such wages or salaries as it shall deem proper and as have been approved in the annual budget and shall have full control of all employees. The Board shall adopt reasonable by-laws and rules of procedure for the conduct of its business, and shall provide therein for regular and special meetings of the Board. (1969 Code §2-94)
The Board of Park Commissioners shall have power to acquire by purchase, lease or by exercising eminent domain such land as it shall determine to be necessary or incidental to the construction, operation and maintenance of a system of public parks, parkways, playgrounds, athletic fields, stadiums, swimming pools, skating rinks and other like public recreational facilities. It shall keep a full and complete record of all personal property and all real estate owned, leased or operated by the Board.
(1969 Code §2-95)