Ethics Code, Conflict of Interest,
and Ethics Advisory Committee
31.01 General policy
31.02 Definitions
31.03 Use of city resources
31.04 Participation on items of personal, financial, or organizational interest prohibited
31.05 Disclosure on items of personal, financial, or organizational interest
31.06 Gifts and favors
31.07 Use and disclosure of information prohibited
31.08 Contracts related disclosure required
31.09 Participation in ethics investigations
31.10 Violation
31.11 Ethics Advisory Committee
City Clerk
31.15 Office established
31.16 Service as Clerk of Council
City Treasurer
31.30 Office established
Municipal Counsellor
31.45 Appointment
31.46 Powers and duties
31.47 Salary
Street Commissioner
31.60 Officer established
31.61 Other street employees
31.62 Powers and duties
Personnel system, see Charter § 4.02