(A) A violation of this chapter, either by intention or due to reckless disregard of city ordinances by a city official, shall be grounds for disciplinary action tip to and including dismissal or removal office as may be provided by law.
(B) A complaint against an elected official, officer, member of a city board, authority or committee, or trustee of a public trust with the city as a beneficiary, asserting a violation of this chapter shall be filled with the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall forward the complaint to the appropriate appointing authority or other public body for investigation and action.
(C) A complaint asserting a violation of this chapter against any other employee shall be filed in writing with the Mayor's designee, or in the absence of such a designee, with the Mayor. The Mayor or his or her designee shall initiate an investigation or forward the complaint to the appropriate appointing authority or other public body for investigation and appropriate action.
(D) All records generated or complied in response to a complaint, including the initial complaint, shall be released to the public only as required by law or court order.
(Ord. 2010-19, passed 6-21-10)