The appointed members of the City Planning and Economic Development Commissions shall serve for a period of three years. Vacancies shall be filled by appointments for unexpired terms only. All appointed members shall serve without compensation.
(Ord. 628. Passed 6-14-93.)
Immediately following their appointments, members of the City Planning and Economic Development Commission shall meet, elect temporary officers as may be necessary to modify and adopt by-laws similar to those attached to original Ordinance 299, passed October 2, 1961, and make those by-laws available for Council approval at the next regular Council meeting. The Commission shall then elect permanent officers as provided for in such by-laws.
The Commission shall meet regularly once a month, prior to the regular meeting of Council. The Commission shall keep written records of its proceedings, with such records being open for public inspection. The Commission shall make quarterly reports to Council and shall file an annual report by May 1 of each year.
(Ord. 628. Passed 6-14-93.)
The City Planning and Economic Development Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) To prepare and recommend to Council guidelines for specific improvements necessary for the City's growth and development;
(b) To give aid to the officials of the City who are charged with the direction of projects and programs aimed at the City's growth and development;
(c) To arrange for and conduct any form of publicity and or public relations programs which are relative to activities of the Commission, and for the general purpose of public understanding;
(d) To cooperate with other municipal or regional planning agencies to further local programs and to ensure harmonious and integrated planning for the area;
(e) To conduct hearings, and make recommendations to the Council, concerning petitions or applications for changes in the Zoning Code of the City;
(f) To prepare and recommend to Council, from time to time, such changes in the Official Comprehensive Plan as may be deemed necessary; and
(g) To exercise such other powers which are germane to powers granted by statute and as may be conferred by Council.
(Ord. 628. Passed 6-14-93.)
The City Planning and Economic Development Commission shall be authorized to enlist the volunteer services of other members of the community, who shall serve as subcommittee members to assist in achieving the goals of the Commission. Such volunteers shall not be compensated but shall be governed by the by-laws of the Commission. Such volunteers shall be non-voting and shall serve for a period of time as deemed necessary by the Commission.
(Ord. 628. Passed 6-14-93.)
The City Clerk shall furnish the City Planning and Economic Development Commission, for its consideration, a copy of all ordinances, plans and other information relative to public improvements, which the Commission may feel is necessary for the fulfillment of its responsibilities.
(Ord. 628. Passed 6-14-93.)
The City Planning and Economic Development Commission shall not expend any City funds other than those which are appropriated and approved by the Mayor and Council. However, Council shall, as it becomes necessary, provide such funds needed by the Commission to carry out its duties.
(Ord. 628. Passed 6-14-93.)