A person causing or knowingly permitting the stopping, standing or parking of a motor vehicle in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, except Section 480.04, may voluntarily, with the consent of the Chief of Police or police officer on duty, pay to the Chief of Police or to such subordinate, the penalty of three dollars ($3.00), together with any towing or other actual expense involved. Such payment so voluntarily made, if so consented to, shall be a bar to further prosecution under this chapter for the specific violation designated upon the receipt issued therefor. All charges of such violations which are not so discharged as aforesaid by the voluntary payment of the minimum penalty as above provided, or which are not permitted to be so discharged by the Chief of Police or such subordinate, may be heard and disposed of by an appropriate action before any court of competent jurisdiction.
The waiver fine for a violation of Section 480.04 shall be two dollars ($2.00). All other provisions of this section shall be applicable to such waivers, in the same manner as they are applicable to waivers for violations of any other provision of this chapter, as aforesaid.
(a) Handicapped parking spaces shall be designated at the following locations on Market Street:
(1) The first space east of the north-south alley between Thomas and Victor Streets on the south side of Market Street;
(2) The first space west of the north-south alley between Thomas and Victor Streets on the north side of Market Street.
(Ord. 542. Passed 5-11-87.)
(3) The first space east of the intersection of East Market Street and North Maple Street on the north side of Market Street;
(Ord. 637. Passed 3-14-94.)
(4) The first space east of the corner of Maple and Market Streets on the north side of Market Street.
(5) The first space north of the corner of Market Street and North Emma Street on the west side of North Emma Street.
(Ord. 650. Passed 10-10-94.)
(6) The first space east of the north-south alley between Maple and State Streets on the north side of Market Street from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Ord. 674. Passed 8-12-96.)
(b) Handicapped parking spaces shall be designated at the following location on North Thomas Street:
(1) The first parking place south and the first parking place north of the east-west alley between Cherry and Ray Streets on the east side of Thomas Street.
(Ord. 790. Passed 5-12-03'.)
(a) It shall be unlawful to park motor homes, travel trailers and trailers which provide sleeping accommodations upon any City street or alley of the City for more than twenty-four hours.
(b) If a motor home or travel trailer or trailer with sleeping accommodations is parked on a City street for more than twenty-four hours, the Police or the City Zoning and/or Building Inspector may write a citation for violation of this section if the motor home, travel trailer or trailer with sleeping accommodations is not moved from the City street within twenty-four hours of notice to do so given in writing to the owner or resident of the property adjacent to where the motor home, travel trailer or trailer with sleeping accommodations is parked. The Police Officer or Zoning and/or Building Administrator of the City shall give further notice of violation of this provision of the section by placing a sticker on the front windshield or prominently upon said motor home or trailer at least twenty-four hours before the motor home or trailer is towed. The Police or City Zoning and/or Building Inspector may contact a towing service to remove the violating motor home, travel trailer or trailer with sleeping accommodations from the City street. The towing company shall store said motor home, travel trailer or trailer with sleeping accommodations and the violator shall pay all towing and storage charges to the towing service before the offending vehicle is returned.
(Ord. 843. Passed 12-11-06.)
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not less than three dollars ($3.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense.
(b) The penalty for a violation of Section 480.04 shall be two dollars ($2.00) for the first two-hour violation and five dollars ($5.00) for each two-hour violation thereafter. (Ord. 457. Passed 8-6-79; Ord. 551. Passed 11-9-87.)