460.01 Driving or parking near fires.
460.02 Driving across fire hoses.
460.03 Right of way of fire trucks.
460.04 Operation at through street intersections.
460.05 Obstruction of intersections.
460.06 Processions.
460.07 Limitations on turning around.
460.08 Limitations on backing.
460.09 Emerging from alleys, private driveways or buildings.
460.10 Driving on sidewalks.
460.11 Driving on closed streets.
460.12 Towing.
460.13 Boarding or alighting from moving vehicles.
460.14 Obstruction of traffic.
460.15 Driving on right side of street; exceptions.
460.16 Following too closely.
460.17 Starting parked vehicles.
460.18 Turning, stopping or decreasing speed; signal required.
460.19 Limitations on passing
460.20 Regulating the operation of non- highway vehicles on streets, roads and highways.
460.99 Penalty
Operation on right side of roadway - see IIl. R. S. Ch, 95-1/2, Secs. 11-701, 11-702
Overtaking of vehicles - see IIl. R. S. Ch. 95-1/2, Sees. 11-703 et seq.
Driving on roadways laned for traffic - see IIl. R.S. Ch. 95-1/2, Sec. 11-709
Following too closely - see IIl. R.S. Ch. 95-1/2, Sec. 11-710
Signals for turning, slowing and stopping - see IIl. R.S. Ch. 95-1/2, Sees. 11-804 et seq.
Rules for right of way of vehicles - see IIl. R. S. Ch. 95-1/2, Secs, 11-901 et seq., 11-1205
Operation upon approach of authorized emergency vehicles - see IIl. R. S. Ch. 95-1/2, Sec. 11-907