17-5-0601-A Screening from R Districts. Outdoor storage or display areas that abut R districts along a side property line or rear property line or are separated from an R district by only an alley along a side property line or rear property line must be effectively screened from view of the R district by a solid wall, solid fence, or dense vegetative screen not less than 6 feet in height and not more than 8 feet in height. Fences and walls must be masonry or wood, sight-obscuring and planted with vines. Chain-link fencing is prohibited.
1. The view of outdoor storage areas be visually screened from all contiguous streets other than alleys must either by permitted structures or by a vegetative buffer that is at least 6 feet in height or by a combination of such features.
2. Required screening must be located between the perimeter of the outdoor storage area and any property line abutting a public street, other than an alley.
3. This screening requirement is not intended to prohibit openings reasonably necessary for access drives and walkways.

17-5-0602-A Screening from Other Zoning Districts. All outdoor work areas situated on a lot with side property lines or rear property lines contiguous to any property within any R, B, C or D district that allows residential uses must be effectively screened along such side property lines or rear property lines by a solid wall, solid fence, or dense vegetative screen not less than 6 feet in height and not more than 8 feet in height. Fences and walls must be masonry or wood, sight- obscuring and planted with vines. Chain-link fencing is prohibited.

1. The view of such outdoor work areas from all contiguous streets must be visually screened either by permitted structures or by a vegetative buffer that is at least 6 feet in height or by a combination of such features.
2. Such screening must be located between the perimeter of the outdoor work area and any property line abutting a public street, other than an alley.
3. This screening requirement is not intended to prohibit openings reasonably necessary for access drives and walkways.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391)