17-2-0100   District descriptions.
17-2-0200   Allowed uses.
17-2-0300   Bulk and density standards.
17-2-0400   Character standards.
17-2-0500   Townhouse developments.
17-2-0100 District descriptions.
   17-2-0101 Generally. The “R”, residential districts are intended to create, maintain and promote a variety of housing opportunities for individual households and to maintain the desired physical character of the city's existing neighborhoods. While the districts primarily accommodate residential use types, nonresidential uses that are compatible with residential neighborhoods are also allowed.
   17-2-0102 RS, Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) Districts. The primary purpose of the RS districts is to accommodate the development of detached houses on individual lots. It is intended that RS zoning be applied in areas where the land-use pattern is characterized predominately by detached houses on individual lots or where such a land use pattern is desired in the future. The Zoning Ordinance includes three RS districts – RS1, RS2 and RS3 – which are differentiated primarily on the basis of minimum lot area requirements and floor area ratios.
   17-2-0103 RT, Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit Districts. The primary purpose of the RT districts is to accommodate detached houses, two-flats, townhouses and low-density, multi-unit residential buildings at a density and building scale that is compatible with RS districts. The districts are intended to be applied in areas characterized by a mix of housing types. The districts are also intended to provide a gradual transition between RS districts and higher density RM districts. The RT districts are differentiated primarily on the basis of allowed density (minimum lot area per unit) and floor area ratios.
   17-2-0104 RM, Residential Multi-Unit Districts.
      17-2-0104-A General. The primary purpose of the RM districts is to accommodate detached houses, two-flats, townhouses and multi-unit residential buildings. Although the districts accommodate a wide range of housing types, they are primarily intended to accommodate moderate- to high-density, multi-unit residential buildings in areas where such development already exists or where it is desired in the future. The Zoning Ordinance includes 5 RM districts – RM4.5, RM5, RM5.5, RM6 and RM6.5. These districts are differentiated primarily on the basis of allowed density (minimum lot area per unit), floor area ratio and allowed building heights.
      17-2-0104-B RM4.5. The RM4.5 district is intended to serve as a transition district between the RT4 and RM5 classifications. It is primarily intended to accommodate multi-unit buildings.
      17-2-0104-C RM5 and RM5.5. The RM5 and RM5.5 districts are intended to accommodate multi-unit residential buildings. The RM5 district differs from the RM5.5 district only in terms of the maximum building height allowed. Applicable height limits in RM5 generally limit buildings to a maximum of 3 1/2 to 4 stories, whereas larger lots in the RM5.5 district could contain 5-story structures. RM5.5 zoning is intended to be applied only in areas where the established neighborhood character is defined by buildings taller than 4 stories or in areas where there is no established neighborhood character, due to a lack of buildings.
      17-2-0104-D RM6. The RM6 district is a high-density zoning classification that permits mid-rise and high-rise residential buildings in those areas where such building types already exist or where such buildings would be consistent with an area's established development pattern and character.
      17-2-0104-E RM6.5. The RM6.5 district is high-density zoning classification that permits high-rise residential buildings. The district is primarily intended to be applied to lots containing existing high-rise buildings that do not comply with RM6 bulk and density standards.
   17-2-0105 “A” Suffix Designation.
      17-2-0105-A The “A” suffix designation indicates the existence of special standards that are designed to accommodate and promote multi-unit buildings containing accessible dwelling units.
      17-2-0105-B The designation may be applied in combination with any RT4 zoning district classification, in accordance with the rezoning procedure of Sec. 17-13-0300.
      17-2-0105-C Special floor area ratio and building height standards apply in districts with an “A” suffix. (See Sec. 17-2-0304 and Sec. 17-2-0311) Otherwise, districts with an “A” suffix are subject to the same standards that apply in non-suffix districts.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391; Amend Coun. J. 7-20-22, p. 50878, § 3)