14A-3-313.5.2 Priority.
Any lien for the cost of repairs, alterations, improvements, demolition, receivership, vacating or enclosing incurred by the City is a first lien upon the real estate and the rents and issues thereof, and is superior to all prior assignments of rents and all prior existing liens and encumbrances, except taxes, and may be enforced pursuant to applicable law.
14A-3-313.5.3 Licenses.
A business license may not be issued relating to the property subject to a lien under Section 14A-3-313.5 until the lien is satisfied or, upon a showing of good cause, the lien is waived by the Corporation Counsel.
14A-3-313.6 City liens or indebtedness.
See Section 2-44-140 of the Municipal Code.
(Added Coun. J. 1-26-22, p. 43179, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. II, § 5)
14A-3-314.1 Scope.
In addition to any other penalty or remedy provided for in this chapter, punishment by a term of incarceration for not more than 6 months must be imposed when specifically sought by the Corporation Counsel and where authorized by Sections 14A-3-314.1.1 through 14A-3-314.1.7.