17-11-0500 Installation and maintenance.
   17-11-0501 All landscape materials required by this chapter must be installed in accordance with standard practices of horticultural professionals and in good and workmanlike manner and must be maintained by the property owner in good condition.
   17-11-0502 All applicants for landscape plan approval must file a maintenance schedule and a scope of maintenance work with the Zoning Administrator in a form consistent with the recommendations of the Guide to the Chicago Landscape Ordinance.
   17-11-0503 Any damaged or dead trees, shrubs or ground cover must be promptly replaced.
   17-11-0504 Maintenance of landscaping must include continuous operations of removal of weeds; mowing; trimming; edging; cultivation; reseeding; plant replacement; appropriate fertilization; spraying; control of pests, insects and rodents by nontoxic methods whenever possible; watering (a working hose bib connected to an active water supply must be available within 100 feet of perimeter landscape areas); and other operations necessary to assure normal plant growth.
   17-11-0505 The obligation for continuous maintenance is binding on the applicant for landscape plan approval, to any subsequent property owners or any other parties having a controlling interest in the property.
   17-11-0506 Reserved.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 12-15-21, p. 42674, § 8)
17-11-0600 Administrative adjustments.
   17-11-0601 Fencing Standards. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve an administrative adjustment waiving or modifying the fence standards of Sec. 17-11-0202-C when:
      17-11-0601-A the vehicular use area is located within an M district, a Transportation district or a planned manufacturing district; and
      17-11-0601-B the Zoning Administrator determines that the vehicular use area is isolated from R zoning districts and residential uses. (See the administrative adjustment provisions of Sec. 17-13-1000)
      17-11-0601-C the Zoning Administrator is authorized to grant an administrative adjustment from the fencing requirements of Section 17-11-0202-C3 for any pre-existing vehicular use area with less than 31 feet of frontage and where the existing access is from a street.
      17-11-0601-D the Zoning Administrator is authorized to grant an administrative adjustment from the fencing requirements of Section 17-11-0202-C3 for pre-existing vehicular use areas owned or operated by a nonprofit or charitable organization where the existing parking lot has less than 50 feet of frontage and where the existing access is from a street.
   17-11-0602 Screening of Vehicular Use Areas from Streets.
      17-11-0602-A The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve an administrative adjustment allowing alternative landscape treatments to partially or wholly satisfy the standards of 17-11-0202-B that require the installation and maintenance of hedges as vehicular use area screening. (See the administrative adjustment provisions of Sec. 17-13-1000)
      17-11-0602-B The Zoning Administrator is expressly authorized to approve such alternative landscape treatments as:
         1.   landscaped earth berms,
         2.   elevation changes,
         3.   vine-covered fences, walls or trellises; and
         4.   brick walls.
      17-11-0602-C The Zoning Administrator may authorize such administrative adjustment only upon finding that the proposed alternative landscape treatment would:
         1.   provide an effective visual screen of the parking areas and parked automobiles;
         2.   promote the physical definition of a continuous street wall;
         3.   provide a visual effect which promotes and enhances the vehicular and pedestrian experience through the use of quality architectural and urban design; and
         4.   be appropriately designed and maintained to satisfy applicable building and/or landscape industry standards.
   17-11-0603 Parkway Trees.
      17-11-0603-A The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve an administrative adjustment allowing alternative landscape treatments to partially or wholly satisfy the parkway tree planting standards of Sec. 17-11-0100.
      17-11-0603-B The Zoning Administrator is expressly authorized to approve such alternative landscape treatments as:
         1.   landscaped earth berms;
         2.   raised planters;
         3.   hanging baskets;
         4.   flower boxes;
         5.   planting trellises;
         6.   roof-top gardens;
         7.   perimeter plantings on roof-tops, decks or balconies;
         8.   pedestrian lighting;
         9.   flag or banner poles;
         10.   benches and seating areas; and
         11.   additional landscaping and tree planting elsewhere on the site that will be visible from public right-of-way.
      17-11-0603-C Before approving an administrative adjustment of parkway tree planting standards, the Zoning Administrator must first obtain a written recommendation from the Bureau of Forestry.
   17-11-0604 Hardships.
      17-11-0604-A The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve an administrative adjustment waiving or modifying the requirements of this Chapter, provided that the Zoning Administrator finds that the:
         1.   strict application of the provisions would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of the land or would otherwise impose an unreasonable hardship upon the applicant;
         2.   conditions and circumstances upon which the waiver or modification is sought are not caused by the applicant; and
         3.   that alternative landscape treatments will be provided to off-set the waiver or reduction in otherwise applicable standards.
      17-11-0604-B The Zoning Administrator is expressly authorized to approve such alternative landscape treatments as:
         1.   landscaped earth berms;
         2.   raised planters;
         3.   hanging baskets;
         4.   flower boxes;
         5.   planting trellises;
         6.   roof-top gardens;
         7.   perimeter plantings on roof-tops, decks or balconies;
         8.   pedestrian lighting;
         9.   flag or banner poles;
         10.   benches and seating areas;
         11.   vine-covered fences, walls or trellises; and
         12.   brick walls; and
         13.   additional landscaping and tree planting elsewhere on the site that will be visible from public right-of-way.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 1-11-06, p. 68368, §2; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06, p. 85599, §2)