17-7-1100 SD-10, Roscoe Street.
   17-7-1101 Description. The SD-10, Roscoe Street Special Character Overlay District is intended to conserve the existing low-density, multi-use commercial and residential character of the portion of West Roscoe Street generally located between North Damen Avenue and North Western Avenue. The existing pattern of development is two- and three-story structures with pedestrian-oriented retail at street level and dwelling units above. The Roscoe Street District seeks to maintain the street's existing scale and to limit construction of taller four- and five-story buildings. In addition, the District regulations seek to maintain the street-front orientation of existing buildings by requiring this orientation for new construction and by encouraging conformity to the front setbacks, if any, of the prevailing street wall.
   17-7-1102 Building Height. New construction may not exceed 36 feet in height. (See Sec. 17-17-0311 for rules governing the measurement of building height.)
   17-7-1103 Building Orientation. All new construction must have a principal entrance or the design of a principal entrance oriented toward Roscoe Street. Such orientation or apparent orientation must be evidenced by a principal doorway (excluding garage doors), front yard, or front porch. All parking must be located and accessed off the alley.
   17-7-1104 Lot Area. At least 1,400 square feet of lot area is required per dwelling unit.
   17-7-1105 Administrative Adjustments. In addition to the administrative adjustments authorized by Sec. 17-13-1000, the Zoning Administrator is authorized to allow the following as administrative adjustments:
      17-7-1105-A a building height increase of up to 10%; and
      17-7-1105-B waiver or modification of the building orientation and parking access requirements for parcels lacking alley access or when other circumstances impose hardship conditions.
   17-7-1106 Variations. In addition to the variations authorized by Sec. 17-13-1100, the Zoning Board of Appeals is authorized to grant the following variations:
      17-7-1106-A a building height increase of up to 10%; and
      17-7-1106-B waiver or modification of the building orientation and parking access requirements for parcels lacking alley access or when other circumstances impose hardship conditions.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 5-12-10, p. 92105, § 1)
17-7-1200 Midway International Airport Height Overlay District.
   17-7-1201 Purpose. The Midway International Airport (for purposes of this section "Airport") Height Overlay District is intended to preserve the public safety and general welfare by preventing the establishment of vertical obstructions within the airport's approach and departure zones, which may present a hazard to air navigation.
   17-7-1202 Boundaries. The Midway International Airport Height Overlay District consists of all those properties which lie within the Airport's approach and departure zones. For purposes of this section only, the approach and departure zones shall be centered on the extended runway centerline of each runway and shall extend a distance of 1,550 feet on either side of each extended runway centerline beginning at the Airport boundary and extending away from the Airport, parallel to the runway centerlines, a distance of 9,500 feet or to the city limits, whichever is reached first.
   17-7-1203 Height Limits.
      17-7-1203-A No building, structure, equipment or any portion thereof located on any lot within the Midway International Airport Height Overlay District shall exceed a height above grade of 30 feet or one foot vertically for every 50 feet horizontally measured from the nearest point on the Airport boundary to the object, whichever is greater.
      17-7-1203-B If the provisions of the Midway International Airport Height Overlay District conflict with provisions or regulations of the underlying zoning district, the more restrictive provision will control. The more restrictive provision is the one that imposes greater restrictions or more stringent controls on development.
(Added Coun. J. 12-14-11, p. 18120, § 2)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391, deleted former § 17-7-1200.
17-7-1300 SD-23 Sheridan Park North Special Character Overlay District.
   17-7-1301 Description. The SD-23, Sheridan Park North Special Character Overlay District is intended to require larger front setbacks for new residential development, consistent with the existing pattern of front yards in the neighborhood.
   17-7-1302 Front Setbacks.
      17-7-1302-A The minimum front setback is 30 feet, except that within Subdistrict A, where the minimum front setback is 40 feet. (See Sec. 17-17-0306 for rules governing the measurement of front setbacks.)
      17-7-1302-B Porches and terraces may not encroach within the required front setback within Subdistrict A. Outside of Subdistrict A, porches and above-grade, open terraces (including roofed terraces) are permitted within the required front setback, provided such structures do not project more than 10 feet and provided a minimum 20-foot front setback is maintained.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275)
17-7-1400 SD-24 Sheridan Park South Special Character Overlay District.
   17-7-1401 Description. The SD-24, Sheridan Park South Special Character Overlay District is intended to require larger front setbacks for new residential development, consistent with the existing pattern of front yards in the neighborhood.
   17-7-1402 Front Setbacks.
      17-7-1402-A The minimum front setback is 30 feet, except that within Subdistrict A, where the minimum front setback is 20 feet. (See Sec. 17-17-0306 for rules governing the measurement of front setbacks.)
      17-7-1402-B Porches and terraces may not encroach within the required front setback within Subdistrict A. Outside of Subdistrict A, porches and above-grade, open terraces (including roofed terraces) are permitted within the required front setback, provided such structures do not project more than 10 feet and provided a minimum 20-foot front setback is maintained.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275)
17-7-1500 Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District.
   17-7-1501 Boundaries. The Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District generally consists of all lots adjacent to Milwaukee Avenue, between Western Avenue on the south and Ridgeway Avenue on the north, except that the overlay district shall not apply to Planned Developments approved prior to July 1, 2024, Parks and Open Space zoning districts, or areas, districts, places, buildings, structures, or works of art designated as Chicago Landmarks.
   17-7-1502 Purpose. The purpose of the Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District is to preserve the unique and distinctive character of the Milwaukee Avenue commercial corridor and provide design guidelines for the rehabilitation of existing buildings and new construction. The distinctive character of the Milwaukee Avenue commercial corridor includes a diagonal street layout resulting in unique patterns and lot configurations, one- and two-part commercial block, enframed window wall, false front, freestanding, two-part vertical block, and residential building types, as well as Romanesque Revival, Queen Anne, Italian Renaissance, Tudor Revival, Beaux-Arts Classicism, Late Classical Revival, Neoclassical, Spanish Revival, Art Deco, Mid-Century Modern, and Commercial Vernacular architectural styles.
   17-7-1503 Publication. Any building built, added, altered, or rehabilitated within the Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District must be consistent with the Milwaukee Avenue Urban Identity Design Guidelines published by the Department of Planning and Development (“Guidelines”). These Guidelines shall be published by ordinance and made available for view online on the Department of Planning and Development website. The Guidelines shall be applicable to:
      1.   New construction or exterior modifications to existing buildings requiring a building permit application.
      2.   New construction or exterior modifications requiring applications for Zoning Map Amendments.
   17-7-1504 District-specific Guidelines. Design guidelines for rehabilitation, additions, alterations, and new construction in the Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District are detailed in the Guidelines. The Guidelines address various aspects of design for existing buildings and new construction. Proposed projects must be consistent with the Guidelines.
      1.   For existing buildings, these Guidelines set requirements for:
         (a)   Masonry repair or replacement
         (b)   Architectural metal cladding repair or replacement
         (c)   Storefronts
         (d)   Canopies
         (e)   Building lighting
         (f)   Exterior facade repair or replacement
         (g)   Entrances/doors to upper floors
         (h)   Windows
         (i)   Roofs/rooflines/cornices
         (j)   Siting
         (k)   Scale
         (l)   Design and compatibility
         (m)   Materials
      2.   For new construction, these Guidelines set requirements for:
         (a)   Parking and services areas
         (b)   Building setback and orientation
         (c)   Height and scale
         (d)   Massing
         (e)   Building width
         (f)   Materials
         (g)   Ground floor entries and storefronts
         (h)   New or replacement canopies
         (i)   Building lighting
         (j)   Articulation at upper floor facades and rooflines
   17-7-1505 Administrative Adjustments. In addition to the administrative adjustments authorized by Section 17-13-1000, the Zoning Administrator or their designee is authorized to approve an administrative adjustment to waive or modify any district-specific guideline specified in Section 17-7-1504. Such an administrative adjustment may be approved only when the Zoning Administrator or their designee determines that the proposed adjustment meets the following criteria:
      1.   The proposed adjustment results in a development quality equal to or better than what would have been required without the adjustment; and
      2.   The proposed adjustment will be in keeping with the established character of the Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District; and
      3.   The proposed adjustment meets the general approval criteria of Section 17-13-1007-B.
   17-7-1506 Prohibited Uses. The following uses are expressly prohibited within the boundaries of the Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District:
      1.   Strip centers;
      2.   Drive-through facilities;
      3.   Vehicle sales and service uses involving any outdoor storage of vehicles or goods or car washes;
      4.   Gas stations; and
      5.   Residential storage warehouses.
   17-7-1507 Character Buildings. Character buildings are buildings that have been identified as having a unique historical, architectural, or other impact on the district environment. Rehabilitation of identified Character Buildings is a priority in accordance with Section 17-7-0601-A. For the purposes of this section, the following buildings have been identified as Character Buildings. The Appendix to the Guidelines may provide additional information regarding Character Buildings identified in this Section.
      Building Address
      1950-1956 N Milwaukee Ave
      1958 N Milwaukee Ave
      1960 N Milwaukee Ave
      1965 N Milwaukee Ave
      2016-2030 N Milwaukee Ave
      2040-2044 N Milwaukee Ave   
      2043 N Milwaukee Ave
      2046-2048 N Milwaukee Ave
      2066 N Milwaukee Ave
      2092 N Milwaukee Ave
      2094 N Milwaukee Ave
      2100 N Milwaukee Ave
      2101 N Milwaukee Ave
      2122-2124 N Milwaukee Ave
      2165-2171 N Milwaukee Ave   
      2206 N Milwaukee Ave
      2208 N Milwaukee Ave
      2214 N Milwaukee Ave
      2226 N California Ave
      2280 N Milwaukee Ave
      2300-2302 N Milwaukee Ave
      2301-2313 N Milwaukee Ave   
      2315 N Milwaukee Ave
      2317-2319 N Milwaukee Ave
      2320-2322 N Milwaukee Ave   
      2323 N Milwaukee Ave
      2327 N Milwaukee Ave
      2332 N Milwaukee Ave
      2333 N Milwaukee Ave
      2337 N Milwaukee Ave
      2339 N Milwaukee Ave
      2341 N Milwaukee Ave
      2344 N Milwaukee Ave
      2345 N Milwaukee Ave
      2349 N Milwaukee Ave
      2351 N Milwaukee Ave
      2355 N Milwaukee Ave
      2357 N Milwaukee Ave
      2363 N Milwaukee Ave
      2367 N Milwaukee Ave
      2381-2385 N Milwaukee Ave
      2392 N Milwaukee Ave
      2403 W Homer St
      2410-2414 N Milwaukee Ave
      2413 N Milwaukee Ave
      2417 N Milwaukee Ave
      2418 N Milwaukee Ave
      2419 N Milwaukee Ave
      2421 N Milwaukee Ave
      2423 N Milwaukee Ave
      2427 N Milwaukee Ave
      2432 N Milwaukee Ave
      2441 W Armitage Ave
      2443-2447 N Milwaukee Ave
      2449-2451 N Milwaukee Ave
      2451 N Sacramento Ave
      2453 N Milwaukee Ave
      2455-2457 N Milwaukee Ave
      2471-2475 N Milwaukee Ave
      2515 N Milwaukee Ave
      2521 N Milwaukee Ave
      2523 N Milwaukee Ave
      2525 N Milwaukee Ave
      2529-2531 N Milwaukee Ave
      2620 N Milwaukee Ave
      2624 N Milwaukee Ave
      2628 N Milwaukee Ave
      2630 N Milwaukee Ave
      2636-2656 N Milwaukee Ave
      2639-2641 N Milwaukee Ave
      2643-2651 N Milwaukee Ave
      2653 N Milwaukee Ave
      2655 N Milwaukee Ave
      2664-2718 N Milwaukee Ave
      2715-2729 N Milwaukee Ave
      2731-2739 N Milwaukee Ave
      2821 N Milwaukee Ave
      2822 N Milwaukee Ave
      2829 N Milwaukee Ave
      2831 N Milwaukee Ave
      2832-2834 N Milwaukee Ave
      2833-2837 N Milwaukee Ave
      2839-2841 N Milwaukee Ave
      2840 N Milwaukee Ave
      2843-2845 N Milwaukee Ave
      2854 N Milwaukee Ave
      2864-2866 N Milwaukee Ave
      2867 N Milwaukee Ave
      2868 N Milwaukee Ave
      2869 N Milwaukee Ave
      2871 N Milwaukee Ave
      2874 N Milwaukee Ave
      2875 N Milwaukee Ave
      2880 N Milwaukee Ave
      2882 N Milwaukee Ave
      2883 N Milwaukee Ave
      2885 N Milwaukee Ave
      2888 N Milwaukee Ave
      2889 N Milwaukee Ave
      2890 N Milwaukee Ave
      2891 N Milwaukee Ave
      2894-2896 N Milwaukee Ave
      2898 N Milwaukee Ave
      2909 N Milwaukee Ave
      2912 N Milwaukee Ave
      2915 N Milwaukee Ave
      2918 N Milwaukee Ave
      2919 N Milwaukee Ave
      2922 N Milwaukee Ave
      2923 N Milwaukee Ave
      2924 N Milwaukee Ave
      2928 N Milwaukee Ave
      2930 N Milwaukee Ave
      2934 N Milwaukee Ave
      2935 N Milwaukee Ave
      2943 N Milwaukee Ave
      2953 N Milwaukee Ave
      2955 N Milwaukee Ave
      2956-2972 N Milwaukee Ave
      2957 N Milwaukee Ave
      2978 N Milwaukee Ave
      2988 N Milwaukee Ave
      3002-3010 N Milwaukee Ave
      3004 N Elbridge Ave
      3350 W Diversey Ave
   17-7-1508 Demolition. An application for the demolition of a Character Building shall include an affidavit certifying that the applicant has provided written notice to the local alderman at least thirty (30) days prior to filing the application. This notice shall include: (a) the street address of the existing Character Building; and (b) the name and mailing address of the applicant.
(Added Coun. J. 7-17-24, p. 14576, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-16-24, p. 22233, § 8)