17-7-0581 Boundaries. The Multi-Unit Preservation (Pilsen) District consists of all parcels zoned RT4, RM4.5, RM5, RM5.5, RM6 and RM6.5 and within the area bounded by: 16th Street, Newberry Avenue, 18th Street, Peoria Street, Cermak Road, Racine Avenue, 21st Street, Laflin Street, Cermak Road, the alley next east of and parallel to Western Avenue, the alley next north of and parallel to Cermak Road, the alley next east of and parallel to Western Avenue, 19th Street, Western Avenue, the alley next north of and parallel to 18th Place, Leavitt Street, the alley next north of and parallel to 18th Street, Hamilton Avenue, the alley next north of and parallel to the alley next north of and parallel to 18th Street, a line 126 feet west of and parallel to a line 126 feet west of and parallel to Hoyne Avenue, a line 163 feet north of and parallel to the alley next north of and parallel to 18th Street, 17th Street and Wood Street.
17-7-0583 Multi-Unit Preservation. In RT4, RM4.5, RM5, RM5.5, RM6, RM6.5, B or C districts, located in boundaries as identified in Section 17-7-0581, a detached house or two-flat may only be established when more than 50% of the zoning lots fronting on the same side of the street between the two nearest intersecting streets have been lawfully improved with buildings containing either a detached house or two-flat. Open land or zoning lots unimproved with principal buildings shall be considered as either detached houses or multi-unit residential buildings, at the discretion of the applicant, for purposes of the calculation described in this Section 17-7-0583 only.

(Note: This map is for illustrative purposes only; the Predominance of the Multi-Unit Preservation (Pilsen) District boundaries may be amended only through text amendment procedures)
(Added Coun. J. 1-27-21, p. 27049, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 4-21-21, p. 29939, § 1)
17-7-0591 Boundaries. The Predominance of the Block (606) District consists of all parcels zoned RS3 and RT3.5 and within the area bounded by: Addison Street, the North Branch of the Chicago River, Western Avenue, Division Street, California Avenue, North Avenue, Kedzie Avenue, Hirsch Street, Kostner Avenue, Fullerton Avenue, Pulaski Road.
17-7-0593-A In the RS3 district, located in boundaries as identified in Section 17-7-0591, a detached house may not be established when more than 50% of the zoning lots fronting on the same side of the street between the two nearest intersecting streets have been lawfully improved with buildings containing more than one dwelling unit. In those instances, the minimum lot area per dwelling unit may be reduced to 1,500 square feet to allow construction of a two-flat. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in cases where a two-flat is required, pursuant to the block characteristic standards of this ordinance, a detached house may be established, if no two-flat can be provided pursuant to the applicable bulk and density standards including the aforementioned reduction of the required minimum lot area to 1,500 square feet. Open land or zoning lots unimproved with principal buildings shall be considered as either detached houses or multi-unit residential buildings, at the discretion of the applicant, for purposes of the calculation described in this Section 17-7-0593-A only.
17-7-0593-B In the RT3.5 district, located in boundaries as identified in Section 17-7-0591, a detached house may not be established when more than 40% of the zoning lots fronting on the same side of the street between the two nearest intersecting streets have been lawfully improved with buildings containing more than one dwelling unit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in cases where a multi-unit residential building or two-flat is required, pursuant to the block characteristic standards of this ordinance, a detached house may be established, if no multi-unit residential building or two-flat can be provided pursuant to the applicable bulk and density standards. Open land or zoning lots unimproved with principal buildings shall be considered as either detached houses or multi-unit residential buildings, at the discretion of the applicant, for purposes of the calculation described in this Section 17-7-0593-B only.

(Note: This map is for illustrative purposes only; the Predominance of the Block (606) District boundaries may be amended only through text amendment procedures)
(Added Coun. J. 1-27-21, p. 27053, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 9-18-24, p. 16736, § 2)
17-7-0601-A The purpose of this section is to expressly authorize the establishment of special character overlay districts for neighborhoods that have unique or distinctive physical characteristics that are not generally present in other areas of the city, or to protect and guide development in areas that have distinctive neighborhood characteristics. Such unique or distinctive physical characteristics may come in the form of:
1. Size, shape or lot configurations that deviate greatly from the platting pattern found in other parts of the city;
2. Building types or architectural styles that conflict with base district standards, yet make a positive contribution to the physical character or livability of an area;
3. Environmental or other physical features that would prevent reasonable development under applicable zoning standards;
4. Identifiable and cohesive neighborhood unit possessing similar development patterns and physical characteristics (for example, building features, site design, land use patterns, and natural or streetscape characteristics); or
5. May be located adjacent (that is, as a buffer area) to an existing Chicago Landmark District.
17-7-0601-B The special zoning regulations that apply within special character overlay districts are intended to reduce conflicts between new construction and existing development, encourage city beautification and conserve the character of the city's most unique neighborhoods. Special character districts are not intended to serve as neighborhood-specific zoning rules that modify zoning standards merely because of dissatisfaction with development that complies with otherwise applicable standards. Such situations should be addressed through consideration of amendments to base district zoning standards that would apply citywide.
17-7-0602 Minimum Requirements. An area will be eligible for designation as a special character overlay district after a recommendation by the City Council Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards if at the time of application it is located within any R, B, C, D or M district, and contains at least 4 contiguous acres of land area.
17-7-0603-Q rehabilitation of character buildings as outlined in district-specific design guidelines. Character buildings have unique historical, architectural, or other impact on the district environment. Rehabilitation of identified character buildings is a priority in accordance with Section 17-7-0601-A.
17-7-0604 Procedure for Establishment. Special character overlay districts must be established in accordance with the procedures of Sec. 17-13-0500.
17-7-0605 Variations/Administrative Adjustments. Within any established special character overlay district, applicants may seek authorized administrative adjustments or variations, pursuant to the applicable administrative adjustment or variation procedures of Chapter 17-13.
17-7-0606 Special Uses. Within any established special character overlay district, any applicant may seek approval of a special use allowed by the base district or Special Character District standards. In such cases, the applicant must demonstrate that the proposed special use meets the general applicable approval criteria for special uses and that the proposed use will comply with applicable special character overlay district regulations.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 246; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21785, § 1)
17-7-0701 Description. The SD-1, Norwood Park Special Character Overlay District is intended to permit low-density residential development that is compatible with the existing pattern of development within the core area of Norwood Park – commonly referred to as "Norwood Park Circle" – and adjacent streets.
17-7-0703 Lot Frontage. Each lot must have lot frontage along a public street that is equal to the predominant lot frontage of the lots of record on the same side of the street between the two nearest intersecting streets or a minimum of 50 feet of lot frontage, whichever is greater. (See Sec. 17-17-0303 for rules governing the measurement of lot frontage.)
17-7-0704 Front Setbacks. The minimum front setback is 30 feet or the predominant front yard depth of the lots of record on the same side of the street between the two nearest intersecting streets, whichever is greater, plus an additional one foot for every 2 feet by which the building's height exceeds 25 feet. A front yard must face onto a public street. (See Sec. 17-17-0306 for rules governing the measurement of front setbacks.)
17-7-0705 Administrative Adjustments. In addition to the administrative adjustments authorized by Sec. 17-13-1000, the Zoning Administrator is authorized to permit a reduction of up to 10% of the minimum lot frontage required within the SD-1 district.
17-7-0706 Variations. In addition to the variations authorized by Sec. 17-13-1100, the Zoning Board of Appeals is authorized to grant variations from the minimum lot frontage standards of the SD-1 district.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275)
17-7-0801 Description. The SD-2, Norwood Park Special Character Overlay District is intended to permit low- to moderate-density residential development that is compatible with the existing pattern of development within the core area of Norwood Park – commonly referred to as "Norwood Park Circle" – and adjacent streets.
17-7-0803 Lot Frontage. Each lot must have lot frontage along a public street that is equal to the predominant lot frontage of the lots of record on the same side of the street between the two nearest intersecting streets or a minimum of 35 feet of lot frontage, whichever is greater. (See Sec. 17-17-0303 for rules governing the measurement of lot frontage.)
17-7-0804 Floor Area Ratio. The floor area ratio may not exceed 0.50. (See Sec. 17-17-0305 for rules governing the measurement of floor area ratio.)
17-7-0806 Administrative Adjustments. In addition to the administrative adjustments authorized by Sec. 17-13-1000, the Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve an administrative adjustment allowing a reduction of up to 10% of the minimum lot frontage required within the SD-2 district.
17-7-0807 Variations. In addition to the variations authorized by Sec. 17-13-1100, the Zoning Board of Appeals is authorized to grant variations from the minimum lot frontage standards of the SD-2 district.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275)
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275)