16-4-050 Definitions.
   (a)   Accessory Building. "Accessory building" means one which is subordinate to and serves in principal building; and which is subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the principal building; and which contributes to the comfort, convenience or necessity of occupants of the principal building and which is located on the same zoning lot as the principal building.
   (b)   Applicant. "Applicant" means the owner of the subject property or a duly authorized representative.
   (c)   Expressway. "Expressway" means any primary highway constructed as a freeway which has complete control of access and is designed for speeds in excess of 45 miles per hour.
   (d)   Public Agency. "Public agency" means any agency of the United States Government, State of Illinois, any county, township, district, school, authority, municipality, or any official, board, commission or other body politic or corporate or subdivision of the State of Illinois, now or hereafter created, whether herein specifically mentioned or not.
   (e)   Public Open Space. "Public open space" means any publicly owned open area including, but not limited to, parks, playgrounds, beaches, waterways, parkways and streets.
   (f)   Public Way. "Public way" means any sidewalk, street, alley, highway or other public thoroughfare.
   (g)   Use. The use of property is the purpose or activity for which the land, or building thereon, is designed, arranged or intended, or for which it is occupied or maintained, and shall include any manner or performance of any activity which is regulated by any other provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
   (h)   Zoning Lot. "Zoning lot" means a single tract of land located within a single block, which (at the time of filing for a building permit) is designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used, developed or built upon as a unit, under single ownership or control. Therefore, a zoning lot may or may not coincide with a lot of record.
(Prior code §  194B-4.2)
16-4-060 District boundaries.
   The Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District shall be comprised of all of that part of Lake Michigan that lies within the State of Illinois south of the northern limits of the City of Chicago including all harbors, piers, breakwaters and the locks of the Chicago River; all the system of public open space and public ways which comprises the lakefront parks; and all lands contained within the private use zone set forth in the district maps illustrated in Coun. J. 10-24-73, p. 6488, referred to in Section 16-4-080 and on file in the office of the city clerk and made a part hereof.
(Prior code §  194B-5.2)
16-4-070 District zones.
   The Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District shall be divided into three zones:
   (a)   The off-shore zone shall include all surface, subsurface and air rights areas of Lake Michigan to a distance eastward to the east line of the State of Illinois lying in Lake Michigan.
   (b)   The public use zone shall include all public open space and public ways irrespective of configuration which are adjacent to the shoreline of Lake Michigan as set forth in the district maps illustrated in Coun. J. 10-24-73, p. 6488, referred to in Section 16-4-080 and on file in the office of the city clerk.
   (c)   The private use zone shall include all zoning lots contained within the private use zone set forth in the district maps illustrated in Coun. J. 10-24-73, p. 6488, referred to in Section 16-4-080 and on file in the office of the city clerk and made a part hereof.
(Prior code §  194B-5.3)
16-4-080 District maps.
   The location and boundaries of the district and its three zones established by this Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance are shown upon the following district maps* which are hereby incorporated into this Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance. The said district maps, together with everything shown thereon and all amendments thereto, shall be as much a part of this Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance as if fully set forth and described herein.
(Prior code §  194B-9.1)
Editor's note – The district maps referred to in § 16-4-080 are illustrated in Coun. J. 10-24-73, p. 6488, on file for public use in the office of the city clerk.
16-4-090 Interpretation of boundaries.
   (1)   Where district boundary lines are indicated as following streets or alleys or extensions thereof, such boundary lines shall be construed to be the centerlines of said streets or alleys or extensions thereof.
   (2)   Where district boundary lines are indicated as adjoining railroads, such boundary lines shall be construed to be the boundary lines of the railroad rights- of-way, unless otherwise dimensioned.
   (3)   Where district boundary lines are indicated as adjoining expressways, such boundary lines shall be construed to be the boundary lines of the expressway rights-of-way, unless otherwise dimensioned.
   (4)   Dimensioned district boundary lines shown on the maps are intended usually to coincide with lot lines. Where a dimensioned boundary line coincides approximately but not exactly with a lot line which existed on the effective date of incorporation of such boundary line into the map(s), the said boundary line shall be construed to include the said lot affected.
(Prior code §  194B-9.2)