It shall be the duty of the special stage fireman to see that all fire appliances on stage and above and below it, in the dressing rooms and throughout the basement of every such building used as theater are in their proper places and in good working order, that the tanks supplying the standpipes and sprinkler system are full of water; and that any ventilator above the stage is in good working order, to be determined by actually opening such ventilator(s) at least once in every two weeks. The result of such test shall be noted in daily reports hereinafter described. Such special stage firemen shall make daily reports in duplicate, in such manner and form as the fire commissioner shall prescribe which report shall be countersigned by the fireguard. The original of the said report shall be forwarded each day to the fire commissioner and the duplicate thereof shall be delivered to the owner of the theater where such special stage fireman is employed or to the person having the management thereof. Said special stage fireman shall be subject to the orders of the fire commissioner during such time as the theater shall be opened to or occupied by the public.
(Prior code § 90-71; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 97)