14X-5-504.2.4 Group E.
Every existing building of Type III, IV, or V construction and with two or more stories above grade plane which contains a fire area of Group E occupancy must be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.
14X-5-504.2.5 Group I-1, condition 2, and Group I-2.
Every existing building of Type III, IV, or V construction and with two or more stories above grade plane which contains a fire area of Group I-1, condition 2, or Group I-2 occupancy used as a hospital, psychiatric hospital, assisted living facility, or foster care facility must be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.
14X-5-504.2.6 Group I-2, nursing home.
Every existing building containing a Group I-2 nursing home must be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.
14X-5-504.2.7 Group R, cubicle hotels.
Every existing building containing dwelling units which are not separated from other parts of the building by walls or partitions providing fire-resistance of not less than one hour must be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.