14R-14-1402 Requirements.
The provisions of Section 1402 of IEBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1.   Revise Section 1402.1 to read:
"1402.1 Location on the lot.
The building shall be located on the lot in accordance with the requirements of the Chicago Building Code and the Chicago Zoning Ordinance."
2.   Revise Sections 1402.2 and 1402.2.1 to read:
"1402.2 Foundation.
The foundation system of relocated buildings shall comply with the Chicago Building Code.
1402.2.1 Connection to the foundation.
The connection of the relocated building to the foundation shall comply with the Chicago Building Code."
3.   Revise Section 1402.3 to read:
"1402.3 Wind loads.
Buildings shall comply with the Chicago Building Code wind provisions.
1.   Group R-5 and U occupancies where wind loads at the new location are not higher than those at the previous location.
2.   Structural elements whose stress is not increased by more than 10 percent."
4.   Revise Section 1402.4 to read:
"1402.4 Seismic loads.
Structures shall comply with the Chicago Building Code seismic provisions at the new location.
1.   Structures in Seismic Design Categories A and B.
2.   Group R-5 occupancies.
3.   Structural elements whose stress is not increased by more than 10 percent."
5.   Revise Section 1402.5 to read:
"1402.5 Snow loads.
Structures shall comply with the Chicago Building Code snow loads where snow loads at the new location are higher than those at the previous location.
Exception: Structural elements whose stress is not increased by more than 5 percent."
6.   Delete Section 1402.6.
7.   Revise Section 1402.7 to read:
"1402.7 Required inspection and repairs.
The building official shall be authorized to inspect, or to require designated professionals to inspect at the expense of the owner, the various structural parts of a relocated building to verify that structural components and connections have not sustained structural damage. Any repairs required by the building official as a result of such inspection shall be made prior to occupancy."