14R-8-801 General.
The provisions of Section 801 of IEBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1.   Revise the exception to Section 801.1 to read:
"Exception: Buildings in which the reconfiguration is exclusively the result of compliance with the accessibility requirements of Section 305.7 shall be allowed to comply with Chapter 7."
2.   Revise the exceptions to Section 801.3 to read:
"1.   Where windows are added to an existing space, the room or space is not required to comply with the natural light and ventilation requirements of the Chicago Building Code to a greater extent than before the alteration.
2.   Newly installed electrical equipment shall comply with Section 807.
3.   The length of dead-end corridors in newly constructed or reconfigured spaces shall only be required to comply with Section 805.6.
4.   The minimum ceiling height of newly created habitable and occupiable spaces and corridors shall be 7 feet (2134 mm) except where a lower ceiling height is allowed by the Chicago Building Code.
5.   Where provided in below-grade transportation stations, existing and new escalators shall be allowed to have a clear width of less than 32 inches (815 mm).
6.   New structural members and connections shall be allowed to comply with alternative design criteria in accordance with Section 302."
(Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. IV, § 12; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. IV, § 5)