14B-10-1004 Occupant load.
The provisions of Section 1004 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1.   Revise the last sentence of Section 1004.5 to read:
"Where an intended function is not listed in Table 1004.5, selection of a listed function that most nearly resembles the intended function shall be approved by the building official."
1.1.   Revise Table 1004.5 by changing the value for "Baggage claim" under "Airport terminal" from "20 gross" to "50 gross".
1.2.   Revise Table 1004.5 by changing the value for “Gaming floors (keno, slots, etc.)” under “Assembly” from “11 gross” to “15 gross”.
2.   Revise Table 1004.5 by adding a new entry under "Assembly without fixed seats" to read:
"Outdoor areas (greater than 400 square feet)      |   20 net"
3.   Revise Table 1004.5 by changing the value for "Business areas" from "150 gross" to "100 net."
4.   Revise Table 1004.5 by revising the entries under "Day care" to read:
"Day care                     |
Children under 2               |   55 net
All others                  |   35 net"
5.   Revise Table 1004.5 by revising the entries under "Exercise rooms" to read:
"Exercise rooms                  |
With equipment               |   50 gross
Open floor                  |   20 net"
6.   Revise Table 1004.5 by replacing "Kitchens, commercial" with "Kitchens and service areas, commercial."
7.   Revise Table 1004.5 by deleting the row for "Mall buildings-covered and open."
8.   Revise Table 1004.5 by revising the entries under "Mercantile" to read:
"Mercantile                     |
First story above grade plane            |   30 net
Basement sales floor               |   30 net
Other floors                  |   60 net
Storage, stock, shipping areas            |   300 gross"
9.   Revise Table 1004.5 by adding a row for "Power plants" to read:
"Power plants                     |   400 gross"
10.   Revise Table 1004.5 by revising the entries under "Residential" to read:
"Residential                     |
General                  |   125 gross
Shared outdoor areas               |   20 net"
11.   Revise note a to Table 1004.5 to read:
"a.   Net floor area or gross floor area in square feet per occupant."
12.   Revise Section 1004.5.1 to read:
"1004.5.1 Increased occupant load.
Where approved by the building official, the occupant load permitted in any building, or portion thereof, may be increased from that number established for the occupancies in Table 1004.5, provided that all other requirements of the code are met based on such modified number and the occupant load does not exceed one occupant per 7 square feet (0.65 m2) of occupiable floor space. An aisle, seating or fixed equipment diagram substantiating any increase in occupant load shall be submitted."
13.   Revise Section 1004.6 by deleting the last sentence.
14.   Revise Section 1004.7 to read:
"1004.7 Outdoor areas.
Where occupants are provided access to yards, patios, decks, exterior balconies, occupiable rooftops, courts and similar outdoor areas, the outdoor areas shall be provided with means of egress as required by this chapter. The occupant load of such outdoor areas shall be calculated in accordance with the anticipated use. Where the path of egress travel from the outdoor areas passes through the building, means of egress requirements for the building shall be based on the sum of the occupant loads of the building plus the outdoor areas.
1.   Outdoor areas accessed exclusively for maintenance need only have one means of egress.
2.   Outdoor areas associated with Group R-5 occupancies and located not more than 15 feet (4572 mm) above grade plane need only have one means of egress and shall not be assigned an occupant load.
3.   Outdoor areas only accessed from an individual dwelling unit in Group R-2, R-3 or R-5 occupancies need only have one means of egress and shall not be assigned an occupant load."
15.   Revise Section 1004.8 to read:
"1004.8 Concentrated business use areas.
The occupant load factor for concentrated business use shall be applied to telephone call centers, trading floors, data processing centers and similar business use areas with a higher density of occupants than would normally be expected in a typical business occupancy environment. The occupant load for concentrated business use areas shall be the actual occupant load, but not less than one occupant per 50 square feet (4.65 m2) of net floor area."
16.   Revise Section 1004.9 to read:
"1004.9 Posting of maximum capacity signs.
Maximum capacity signs shall be posted where required by Section 802 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
17.   Insert a new Section 1004.10 to read:
"1004.10 Limited areas used for assembly-type functions.
Where a Group B, F or M occupancy contains limited areas used for functions classified as either "assembly" or "assembly without fixed seats" in accordance with Table 1004.5, the occupant load for those areas shall be determined in accordance with Section 1004.10.1 and the cumulative occupant load for the occupancy shall be determined in accordance with Section 1004.10.2.
1004.10.1 Occupant load for egress from the room or area.
Means of egress directly from a room or area used in full for assembly-type functions shall be designed for the occupant load determined in accordance with Section 1004.3 and Sections 1004.5 through 1004.8.
1004.10.2 Cumulative occupant load.
The cumulative occupant load for the Group B, F or M occupancy shall be determined in accordance with Section 1004.10.2.1 through 1004.2.3.
1004.10.2.1 Rooms up to 150 square feet.
For individual rooms or spaces with a gross floor area of 150 square feet (13.9 m 2 ) or less, the occupant load shall be determined by applying the occupant load factor in Table 1004.5 that is applicable to the predominant function of adjacent spaces within the same suite and same story which are not used for assembly-type functions.
1004.10.2.2 Rooms up to 750 square feet.
For individual rooms or spaces with a gross floor area greater than 150 square feet (13.9 m 2 ) but not greater than 750 square feet (69.7 m 2 ), where the aggregate gross floor area of such rooms or spaces within the suite and story does not exceed 10 percent of the gross floor area of the suite or story, the occupant load shall be determined by applying the occupant load factor in Table 1004.5 that is applicable to the predominant function of adjacent spaces within the same suite and same story which are not used for assembly-type functions.
1004.10.2.3 Non-public meeting and training rooms.
For rooms and spaces used with tables and chairs for meetings, conferences and training primarily attended by individuals employed in the same building and not open to the general public, the occupant load shall be determined by applying the occupant load factor for "classroom areas" in Table 1004.5."
(Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. II, § 40; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. II, § 20; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. II, § 15; Amend Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. IV, § 2)