11-18-030 Stormwater management plan – Required.
   (1)   Except as provided in subsection (2), every Regulated Development shall at all times have in place a Plan approved by the City.
   (2)   After a draft Plan has been submitted to the City and before the Plan has been approved, the Owner or Developer may perform any work at the site that does not require a building permit, in accordance with Section 14A-4-402, provided that the Owner and Developer will be responsible for the full cost, if any, associated with correcting work that does not comply with the Plan that is subsequently approved.
   (3)   In addition to such other requirements as the Commissioner and Building Commissioner may jointly set forth by regulation, the Plan shall include the following:
      (a)   Provisions for Stormwater Management:
         (1)   Rate Control. Stormwater Drainage Systems shall manage the peak rate of discharge from the Regulated Development, incorporating the maximum permissible release rate. Provided, however, that Developments that create an at-grade impervious surface of less than 7,500 substantially contiguous square feet and that directly discharge to waters shall not be subject to the rate control requirements of this subparagraph (a)(1).
         (2)   Volume Control. Stormwater drainage systems shall reduce the volume of runoff from a Regulated Development by one of the following measures:
            (A)   capture one-half inch of runoff from all impervious surfaces in accordance with volume control BMPs; or
            (B)   for Developments that do not directly discharge to waters or to a municipal separate storm sewer system, achieve a fifteen percent reduction in impervious surfaces from existing conditions.
      (b)   Provisions for sediment and erosion control.
      (c)   Provisions for operations and maintenance.
(Added Coun. J. 12-13-06, p. 95586, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. II, § 1)