11-12-590 Permit fees.
   As compensation for the privileges granted in such permit, the grantee shall pay to the city an annual compensation per lineal foot for the privilege granted, in accordance with the rates hereinafter set out; provided, however, that in no instance shall said annual compensation be less than $10.00.
   The length of the pipe, conduit, cable or other construction shall be measured along said tunnel from center to center of shafts.
Diameter or Longest Side of Rectangle Measured Outside
Annual Rate
Per Lineal Foot
Up to 6 inches inclusive
Up to 12 inches inclusive
Up to 18 inches inclusive
Up to 24 inches inclusive
   Fractional sizes not included in the above table shall be assessed at the rate for the next larger size.
   The first annual payment of said compensation shall be made in advance as of the date of the issuance of said permit, and subsequent payments shall be made annually thereafter.
(Prior code § 185-52)