11-12-200 Special assessment refunds.
   Whenever any special assessment shall be collected by or for the city for the purpose of laying or extending any water main within said city, there shall be repaid out of the moneys of the city to the credit of the water fund, to the person to whom the special assessment receipt shall be given, or upon his, order, upon production of the original receipt, 90 percent of the amount for which any such receipt was given, less the rebate previously paid and for which such receipt was given, when from the surplus of the net income from the water rates not otherwise appropriated or pledged, there is in the city treasury sufficient money therefor, and when the city comptroller shall so certify; provided, however, that no money shall be repaid unless the permanent annual water rates derived by reason of the laying of such water main for which any such receipt was given, shall at the time of such proposed repayment equal at least seven percent of the total cost of the main so laid and for which such special assessment was paid.
(Prior code § 185-20)