11-12-120 Severance and restoration of service.
   Where service or supply pipes are severed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, such severing or cutting off shall be done at the water mains or as near thereto as practicable, and no water shall again be supplied to such building, structure or premises, or be permitted to be turned on therein or thereto, until the cost and expense of such severing and also any other unpaid rates that may be still outstanding have been paid and a permit for the restoration of service has been obtained from the commissioner.
   If it shall be found that the water supply has been turned on, or into any such building, structure or premises in violation of the provisions of this chapter, the commissioner shall have the authority, and it shall be his duty to sever, or to order the severing of the service or supply pipes by and through which water is supplied to such building, structure or premises.
   The charges hereinbefore provided shall be paid by the person owning or occupying, or in possession, charge or control of such building, structure or premises at the time it is desired to have the water turned on or supplied thereto, irrespective of whether such person shall have been the one guilty of violating the provisions of this chapter, such person being held responsible for any tampering with the shutoff rod boxes on his premises or in his building or structure, and also being held responsible for any unlawful or unauthorized turning on of the water supply into or upon his building, structure or premises.
(Prior code § 185-12; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 1.12)