7-44-170 Airing of premises.
   At the conclusion of the gassing process in fumigation, it shall be the duty of the operator to throw open doors and windows of the premises, until all rooms have been opened for free access of air. No person other than the operator shall be permitted to enter the premises until all traces of the gas have disappeared, and in no case shall the occupants of the rooms or areas gassed be permitted to enter until 12 hours after airing. The operator or watchmen shall keep all persons away from the doors and windows of the premises for two hours after airing. Infants and children under six years of age shall not be permitted to re-enter the premises until 18 hours after the rooms or apartments are opened for airing. The exterminator shall inform all occupants having children of this provision in writing over his signature. No room or space, except where the whole building is vacated and except upon a ship or vessel when fended off from shore as provided herein, shall be left under gas after the time of sunset. Warnings posted where the natural light between sunrise and sunset is dim shall be artificially illuminated. Warnings on vessels fumigated after sunset shall be artificially illuminated in a manner approved by the department of health.
(Added Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616; Amend Coun. J. 6-10-99, p. 23652)