7-44-040 Permit – Required.
   It shall be the duty of every exterminator, intending to generate or release hydrocyanic acid gas or other dangerous gases or fumes for fumigation purposes, before starting such generation or release, to file written notice with the Commissioner of Buildings, giving the location of the building or enclosed space to be fumigated, and to secure from the Commissioner of Buildings a permit, which shall state the day and hour when the work will be performed. Each application for such permit shall be accompanied by a fee of $2.00. Such permit shall be kept on the premises to be fumigated. The time of the permit may be extended if the applicant is unable to perform the work on the hour and day set forth in the permit, and so notifies the Commissioner of Buildings 16 hours prior to the time set forth in the permit.
   Provided that every fumigation of plants, factories, warehouses, box cars, vehicles, specially constructed vaults, or any other place where candy or other foodstuffs are manufactured, sold, stored, transported, or handled shall be done in strict compliance with the rules of the Department of Public Health, and further provided, that a permit for each such fumigation shall be obtained by the fumigator from the Commissioner of Public Health.
   Provided, however, that a ship or vessel may be fumigated without previously securing from the Commissioner of Buildings a permit so to do, if every person, except the watchman, shall leave the vessel for the period of fumigation and the vessel shall be fended off from shore so that no person may board the vessel without the knowledge of the watchman; and provided, further, that where furniture is removed from places of domestic habitation and fumigated in specially constructed vaults, and where furs or clothing is fumigated in specially constructed vaults, a permit for each such fumigation shall not be required, but in lieu thereof, an annual permit shall be secured from the Commissioner of Buildings after he has investigated and satisfied himself that the proper safeguards for health and life are provided.
(Added Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616; Amend Coun. J. 6-10-99, p. 23652; Amend Coun. J. 2-24-21, p. 27657, Art. IV, § 10)