3-40-170 Gross receipts tax.
   A tax is imposed upon all persons engaged in the business of distributing, supplying, furnishing or selling electricity for use or consumption within the corporate limits of the city, and not for resale, at the rate of five percent of the gross receipts from such business; subject, however, to all the provisions, conditions and limitations in Section 8-11-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/8-11-2), authorizing this tax, and to all the provisions, conditions and limitations in this ordinance, consistent with the powers conferred upon the city by Section 8-11-2 and other relevant law. The tax imposed under this article shall not apply with respect to gross receipts pertaining to bills for the distribution, supply, furnishing or sale of electricity where the use or consumption of the electricity is subject to the tax imposed under Chapter 3-53.
(Prior code § 132-17; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-93, p. 42192; Amend Coun. J. 6-10-98, p. 71741)