2-154-020 Information to be kept current.
   All disclosures and information shall be current as of the date upon which the application is presented to the city council or other city agency, and shall be maintained current until such time as the city council or other city agency shall take action on the application. Provided, however, that all disclosures and information pertaining to matters resulting in ineligibility to do business with the city under Article I of Chapter 1-23 of this Code shall be maintained current as of the date upon which the application is presented to the city council or other city agency, and until such time as the city council or other city agency shall take action on the application, and thereafter at all times while the person or entity required to provide disclosures and information is engaged in doing business with the city pursuant to an ordinance, ordinance amendment, city council approval or other city agency approval for which application was made to the City of Chicago under this chapter.
(Prior code § 26.1-2; Amend Coun. J. 6-30-10, p. 95061, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 9-8-10, p. 99116, § 4)
2-154-030 Additional information authorized when.
   Notwithstanding any of the above provisions, the corporation counsel, and also the chief procurement officer with respect to contracts awarded by the chief procurement officer, may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure relevant to the application for action by the city council or other city agency.
(Prior code § 26.1-3; Amend Coun. J. 12-8-04, p. 38063, § 1)
2-154-040 Failure to comply.
   Any failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall render any ordinance, ordinance amendment, city council approval or other city action in behalf of the applicant failing to comply, voidable at the option of the city council or other city agency involved, upon the recommendation of the mayor.
(Prior code § 26.1-4)
2-154-050 Rulemaking authority.
   The corporation counsel is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations and prepare forms to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
(Added Coun. J. 12-8-04, p. 38063, § 1)