2-92-060 Contracts must designate fund for payment.
   Every contract shall specify the fund from which the obligation of the city is to be paid.
(Prior code § 26-6)
* Editor's note – Coun. J. 1-15-20, p. 13038, § 4, repealed a former Article II, which pertained to the Public Art Program.
2-92-070 Definitions.
   For purposes of this Article II, the following definitions shall apply:
   "Certification eligible business" has the meaning ascribed to the term in Section 2-92-420.
   "Certification program" has the meaning ascribed to the term in Section 2-92-420.
   "Contracting Equity officer" means the officer within the Department of Procurement Services who is appointed by the Chief Procurement Officer to run the Office of Contracting Equity under such title as provided in the annual appropriation ordinance.
   "Disadvantaged business enterprise" has the meaning ascribed to the term in Section 2-92-420.
   "Office of Contracting Equity" means the Office of Contracting Equity within the Department of Procurement Services.
(Added Coun. J. 10-27-21, p. 39543, Art. III, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 1-15-20, p. 13038, § 4, repealed a former § 2-92-070, which pertained to name of program.
2-92-080 Establishment – Composition.
   There is hereby established within the Department of Procurement Services an office, which shall be known as the Office of Contracting Equity. Such office shall include a Contracting Equity officer, who shall be appointed by, and reports to, the Chief Procurement Officer, and such other assistants and employees as provided for in the annual appropriation ordinance.
(Added Coun. J. 10-27-21, p. 39543, Art. III, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 1-15-20, p. 13038, § 4, repealed a former § 2-92-080, which pertained to definitions.