1-16-050 Annual commemoration day.
   In recognition of the first use of nuclear weapons against the Japanese City of Hiroshima in 1945, August 6th shall be declared "Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Commemoration Day" within the City of Chicago. The city shall sponsor an appropriate observation annually on this date. This annual observation shall include a report by the mayor on the city's activities to enforce this ordinance.
(Prior code § 202-5; Added Coun. J. 3-12-86, p. 28521; Corrected. 2-3-87, p. 39355)
1-16-060 Sign requirements.
   The city shall post and maintain appropriate signs at recognized entrances to the city and in City Hall proclaiming the City of Chicago's status as a nuclear weapon free zone. When posted on city streets or on state or federally supported roads entering the City of Chicago, such signs shall conform with the standards set forth in Section 28-44 of the Federal Highway Administration's "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways".
(Prior code § 202-6; Added Coun. J. 3-12-86, p. 28521; Corrected. 2-3-87, p. 39355)
1-16-070 Violation – Penalty.
   Each violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by up to 30 days' imprisonment and a $1,000.00 fine. Each day of violation shall be deemed a separate violation.
(Prior code § 202-7; Added Coun. J. 3-12-86, p. 28521; Corrected Coun. J. 2-3-87, p. 39355)
1-16-080 Reserved.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 12-19-14, p. 98037, § 1, repealed § 1-16-080, which pertained to severability.