Published by Order of the City Council, 1990
Current through Council Journal of December 16, 2024
Published by:
American Legal Publishing
Cincinnati, Ohio
   This Code was reprinted in 2007 and is a codification of city ordinances of a general and permanent nature.
   Numbering System
   The numbering system used in this Code is the same system used in many state and municipal codes. Each section number consists of three (3) component parts separated by a hyphen, the figure before the hyphen representing the title number, the figure next after the hyphen representing the chapter and the figure after the hyphen indicating the position of the section within the chapter. Thus, the first section of Title 1 is numbered 1-4-010. Under this system each section is identified with its chapter and, at the same time, new sections or even whole chapters can be inserted in their proper places, simply by using the decimal system for amendments. By way of illustration: if new material consisting of one section that would logically come between sections 1-4 and 1-6 is desired to be added, such new section would be numbered 1-5. New chapters, articles and divisions may be included in the same way. Articles and divisions may also be placed at the end of the chapter or article where they belong.
   The index has been prepared with the greatest of care. Each particular item has been placed under several headings, some of the headings being couched in lay phraseology, others in legal terminology and still others in language generally used by municipal officials and employees. There are numerous cross references within the index which stand as guideposts to direct the user to the particular item in which he is interested.
   Looseleaf Supplements
   A special feature of this Code to which the attention of the user is directed is the looseleaf system of binding and supplementation service. With this system, the Code will be kept up-to-date periodically. Upon the final passage of amendatory ordinances, they will be properly edited and the appropriate page or pages affected will be reprinted. These new pages will be distributed to holders of copies of the Code, with instructions for the manner of inserting the new pages and deleting the obsolete pages. Each such amendment, when incorporated into this Code, may be cited as a part hereof, as provided in the Adopting Ordinance.
   The successful maintenance of this Code up-to-date at all times will depend largely upon the holder of the volume. As revised sheets are received, it will then become the responsibility of the holder to have the amendments inserted according to the attached instructions. It is strongly recommended by the publisher that all such amendments be inserted immediately upon receipt to avoid misplacing them and, in addition, that all deleted pages be saved and filed for historical reference purposes.
   The city authorized the reprinting in 2006, and these volumes are issued as a replacement copy to replace all existing copies of the Code. The publisher is most grateful for the efforts of Tim Barton, John Bjork, Scott Burgh, Monica Carranza, Glenn Dempsey, Robert Dybas, Robert Fahlstrom, Vince Fontana, Jeff Levine, Rich Lewis, Peter Polacek, Pat Ryan, Elizabeth Scanlan, and Pete Ternes, all of whom participated in this project for the city. Additionally, the publisher is grateful for the efforts of the bureaus of plumbing, electrical, refrigeration, and ventilation, Laurie Dittman from MOPD, Javier Ceballos from DOE, and Richard Gregory from Vertex Elevator, all of whom reviewed the technical aspects of Title 18, Building Infrastructure. It is hoped that their efforts and those of the publisher have resulted in a Code which will be a valuable tool in the day-to-day administration of the city's affairs.
American Legal Publishing
Cincinnati, Ohio
January 1, 2008