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14E-4-400 Flexible cords and cables.
14E-4-402 Fixture wires.
14E-4-404 Switches.
14E-4-406 Receptacles, cord connectors, and attachment plugs (caps).
14E-4-408 Switchboard, switchgear, and panelboards.
14E-4-409 Industrial control panels.
14E-4-410 Luminaires, lampholders, and lamps.
14E-4-411 Low voltage lighting.
14E-4-422 Appliances.
14E-4-424 Fixed electric space-heating equipment.
14E-4-425 Fixed resistance and electrode industrial process heating equipment.
14E-4-426 Fixed outdoor electric de-icing and snow-melting equipment.
14E-4-427 Fixed electric heating equipment for pipeline and vessels.
14E-4-430 Motors, motor circuits, and controllers.
14E-4-440 Air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment.
14E-4-445 Generators.
14E-4-450 Transformers and transformer vaults (including secondary ties).
14E-4-455 Phase converters.
14E-4-460 Capacitors.
14E-4-470 Resistors and reactors.
14E-4-480 Storage batteries.
14E-4-490 Equipment over 1,000 volts, nominal.
The provisions of Article 400 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
l. Revise section 400.10 by deleting subsection (A)(11).
2. Revise section 400.12 by deleting the exception to item (5).
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-23-19, p. 94952, Art. I, § 20)
The provisions of Article 404 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Revise subsection 404.14(D) to read:
“Voltage. Snap switches shall not be used for the control of greater than 150V to ground circuits.”
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1)
The provisions of Article 406 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Revise section 406.3, by deleting subsection (D)(2) and the subsequent exception.
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 59720, § 20)
The provisions of Article 408 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1, Insert new section 408.11 to read:
“408.11 Special Services
(A) General. A special service switchboard or switchgear is defined as a switchboard or switchgear with a single disconnecting means having a frame rating in excess of 1200 amperes, or a sequence service switchboard where the sum of the frame sizes exceeds 1200 amperes. The following installation and construction shall apply to special service switchboards.
Informational Note: See 230.70 for permissible location(s) of the service disconnecting means.
(B) Drawing Submittal. The switchboard manufacturer who builds or assembles the special service equipment shall submit three sets of detailed drawings of the proposed equipment to the utility supply company. Upon acceptance, the utility shall retain one copy, stamp their acceptance and the available fault current, and forward them to the authority having jurisdiction.
The authority having jurisdiction shall review the drawings and notify the applicant of any changes, corrections, additions, or deletions required for approval. No switchboard shall be delivered or installed until the switchboard manufacturer has received approval from the authority having jurisdiction.
(C) Switchboard Rooms. The special service equipment shall be installed in a dedicated room with a minimum fire rating of two hours and egress complying with 110.26(C), accessible only to qualified persons. Where subject to possible flooding, such as below grade, sump pumps shall be provided and floor mounted switchboards shall be installed on a concrete pad a minimum of 102 mm (4 in.) above the nominal floor level.
(D) Ability to Withstand Fault Current. Such special service equipment shall be so designed, constructed, and assembled that it is capable of withstanding and interrupting the available fault current without damage to itself or its related equipment.
(E) Identification. All service and feeder disconnecting means shall be prominently identified by permanent means in accordance with 110.22.
(F) Barriers. All unprotected service bus shall be barriered or insulated to isolate the service busbars and terminals from the remainder of the switchboard. The exposed live or unprotected bus necessary to connect the line side of each switch shall be permitted to be un- isolated. The utility current transformers shall be in a barriered section conforming to the utility supply company requirements.
(G) Disconnecting Link. A disconnecting link shall be provided on the line side of the service switch or circuit breaker in the grounded conductor. Such link shall be located in the service switch or circuit breaker enclosure. In sequence switchboards, where each switch is permitted to have its own neutral disconnecting link, the location of the disconnecting link shall be provided on the switchboard cover.
(H) Bus Ampacity.
(1) Service entrance conductors and bus work on the line side of the service entrance switch(es) or circuit breaker(s) shall have an ampacity sufficient to carry the load supplied but shall not be less than 80% of the total rating of the service switch(es) or the frame size of the circuit breaker or breakers.
(2) When 100% rated switches or circuit breakers are used as the service disconnecting means, service entrance conductors and bus work shall have a rating of not less than 100% of the total rating of the service switch(es).
(3) Each switch or circuit breaker of the assembly shall be supplied by bus having an ampacity equal to the full rating of the switch or circuit breaker.
(I) Smallest Size Switch. Switches or circuit breakers need not be the same size; however, no switch or circuit breaker is permitted to be smaller than 400 amperes.
Exception No. 1: For a small emergency lighting load a switch sufficient in size for the load shall be permitted to be used. Such switch shall be mounted in the switchboard and shall be considered one of the six service disconnects.
Exception No. 2: On a sequence switchboard where the sum of the switches does not exceed 2400 amperes, 200 amperes shall be the minimum frame size.
(J) Maximum Electrical AC Service Size. The ampacity of any switchboard, switchgear or electrical ac service shall be limited to 4,000 amperes. The maximum rating of any service disconnecting means shall be 3,000 amperes. In a sequence service, which is a service with up to six disconnects, the sum of the disconnecting means shall not exceed 5,000 amperes and no single disconnect shall exceed 3,000 amperes. If the capacity requirements of an installation exceeds 4,000 amperes, provisions for two or more electrical ac services shall be made.
(K) Complete Metal Enclosure. The switchboard or switchgear shall have a complete metal enclosure including bottom plates.
Exception: The bottom plates shall be permitted to be omitted when the switchboard is installed in a dedicated room of fire-resistant construction on a concrete pad where there is no opening between the walls of the switchboard and the pad. The conduit entries shall conform to 408.5 and shall be bonded as required by 250.94.
(L) Conduit Entries. All conduit entries to the ac service switchboard or switchgear shall have bonding bushings and their straps shall terminate on the bonding bus. Conduit entries to the switchboard or switchgear enclosure shall not be made within 10 in. of any live switchboard bus. Service entrance raceways shall enter the switchboard only in the service switch, cable transition, or current transformer sections. No other conductors shall pass through these sections. Feeder conduits and conductors shall terminate in the switchboard section from which they are supplied.
(M) Header Boxes. Header boxes shall contain not more than 30 conductors at any cross section and shall comply with 314.28(B). All header boxes shall be of the same construction as the switchboard.
(N) Bottom Boxes.
(1) Concrete gutters or trenches under switchboards or switchgear shall not be permitted.
(2) An under-switchboard or switchgear trench or gutter, in a dry location, lined with metal of the proper gauge to form an approved bottom box, and which is properly bonded to the switchboard or switchgear to form a complete enclosure shall be permitted. All conduit entries to this bottom box shall comply with (l) of this subsection.
Informational Note: A concrete slab in contact with the earth, or on the lowest level of a building is not a dry location.
(3) Where a bottom box is allowed in a wet location, the installation is subject to special review by the authority having jurisdiction. Complete drawings of the installation shall be submitted with the switchboard submittal, along with a request for special permission. A means to drain any accumulated moisture shall be provided.
(O) Maintenance. Required maintenance for special service equipment shall conform to 408.4.”
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-23-19, p. 94952, Art. I, § 21)
The provisions of Article 410 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise subsection 410.24(A) to read:
“Independent of the Outlet Box. Electric- discharge and LED luminaires supported independently of the outlet box shall be connected to the branch circuit through metal raceway, Type MC cable, Type AC cable, Type MI cable, or by flexible cord as permitted in 410.62(B) or 410.62(C).”
2. Revise subsection 410.62(C)(1) to read:
“Cord-Connected Installation. A luminaire or a listed assembly in compliance with either condition (a) or (b) shall be permitted to be cord connected provided the luminaire is located directly below the outlet or busway, the cord is not subject to strain or physical damage, and the cord is visible over its entire length except at terminations.
(a) A luminaire shall be permitted to be connected with a cord terminating in a grounding-type attachment plug or busway plug.
(b) A luminaire assembly equipped with a strain relief and canopy shall be permitted to use a cord connection between the luminaire assembly and the canopy. The canopy shall be permitted to include a section of raceway not over 150 mm (6 in.) in length and intended to facilitate the connection to an outlet box mounted above a suspended ceiling.”
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 59720, § 21)