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7-28-730  Rat-stoppage by owner – Lien.
   Upon receipt of notice in writing from the building commissioner or the commissioner of streets and sanitation the owner, agent, or occupant in charge of any building, structure or premises specified in such notice shall take immediate measures for the rat- stoppage of such building or structure and for freeing the premises of all rats, and unless said work is completed in the time specified in the notice, in no event to be less than 15 days, or any written extension thereof that may be granted by the commissioner who issued the notice, then the owner, agent, or occupant in charge of said building, structure or premises shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance.
   Whenever the owner, agent or occupant in charge of any building, structure or premises, after being served with notice as provided in this section has failed within the time fixed in the notice, to perform all work necessary to prevent the ingress of rats to said building or structure or to exterminate rats from the premises described in said notice, the commissioner who issued the notice or any person duly authorized by either of them may go on the premises and do such work as is necessary to free said premises from rats and to maintain said premises in a rat-stopped condition. The cost and expense incurred for all work and materials shall be charged to and collected from the owners and persons interested in said premises and the city or persons performing such work or furnishing such materials therefor shall have a lien on said premises and may enforce the same as provided by statute.
(Prior code § 99-61.9; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-94, p. 61206)