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In addition to other penalties cited in this chapter, if any person or business performing work under contract with the city is found guilty of violating the provisions of Sections 7-28-200 through 7-28-519 inclusive, the city may terminate the contract by giving written notice of the termination to the person or business. The contract shall be null and void upon delivery of such notice.
(Prior code § 99-42.2; Added Coun. J. 7-29-86, p. 32488; Amended during Supplement No. 2, 4-91; Amend Coun. J. 3-6-96, 17618)
No vault, privy, catchbasin, cistern, or cesspool shall be constructed or rebuilt in the city except in accordance with this Code and the regulations of the board of health. The general privy accommodations of any place of human habitation shall not be permitted within any such place of habitation or under any sidewalk adjacent thereto. All cesspools shall be watertight.
(Prior code § 99-43)
It shall constitute, and is hereby declared, a nuisance for any person to erect or maintain any privy as near as 40 feet to any public way, dwelling, shop, school, factory, church, or public hall or within 100 feet of any well, unless the privy be furnished with a substantial vault six feet deep and made tight so that contents cannot escape therefrom, and sufficiently secured and enclosed. Any person owning, erecting, or maintaining any privy in violation of this section shall be subject to a penalty of $10.00, and a like penalty for every week he shall maintain or continue the same after the first conviction.
(Prior code § 99-45)
It shall be unlawful for the owner, agent, occupant, or person in control of any lot, building, structure, premises, or place within the city to permit or allow the contents of any tub, or of any receptacle, cesspool, privy, catchbasin, vault, sink, water closet, cistern, or anything in any room, excavation, vat, building, premises, or place to become a nuisance or offensive so as to be dangerous or prejudicial to health.
(Prior code § 99-46)
All privies or catchbasins, any part of the contents of which are above the surface, or within two feet of the surface of the earth, and all other privies or catchbasins that are foul, or emit smells and odors prejudicial to the public health, are hereby declared nuisances, and the commissioner of buildings shall have the power to abate the same.
(Prior code § 99-47)
No person shall draw off, or allow to run off into any ground, public way or place of the city, the contents, or any part thereof, of any vault, privy, cistern, cesspool, or catchbasin; nor shall any owner, tenant, or occupant of any building to which any vault, catchbasin, privy, or cesspool shall appertain or be attached, permit the contents or any part thereof to flow therefrom, or to rise within two feet of any part of the top, or such contents to become offensive.
(Prior code § 99-49)