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Gravity Feed Prohibited. No tanks, drums or other containers holding flammable liquids within a building or discharging within a building, shall be provided with any faucet or other bottom-drawing device. Pipes shall not terminate at any point lower than the level of the source of supply. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting the storage or gravity flow or both storage and gravity flow of flammable liquids when such liquids are used in connection with oil-burning equipment installed in accordance with Section 13-180 -160*, or in refineries, or in manufacturing and jobbing plants and in stores, plants, and establishments; provided, however, that tanks holding Class I flammable liquids shall be in a room constructed and arranged as provided by Section 15-24-410 for a special room for flammable liquids.
* Editor's note – Repealed by Coun. J. 7-9-03, p. 3609, § 1.
Fuel oil gravity feed tanks shall not exceed 550 gallons capacity. No gravity supply to a fuel oil-burning appliance shall exceed three psi. Any oil-fired appliance manufactured with a self-contained supply tank shall not be piped to any other source of supply.
(Prior code § 129.1-17)
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All flammable liquids, except motor fuels, shall be dispensed through gauging or vending devices which shall be of substantial construction and firmly secured to concrete or masonry foundations, which shall be so located and designed as to prevent motor vehicles damaging such systems, except as permitted under Section 15-24-360. Systems wherein continuous pressure is maintained on the flammable liquid storage tank in connection with gauging or vending devices shall not be permitted unless the hazard of the material is such that no other method of dispensing through gauging or vending devices is possible. The use of aboveground flammable liquid storage tanks, or tank cars or tank trucks, in connection with flammable liquid vending or gauging devices, shall not be permitted except as provided in Section 15-24-221. Tank trucks or tank cars shall not be used to store flammable liquids while the liquid is being used.
(Prior code § 129.1-18; Amend Coun. J. 2-16-89, p. 24942; 5-2-95, p. 73)
All flammable liquid gauging, vending and dispensing devices used for motor vehicle fuel shall be of substantial construction, and firmly secured to a concrete foundation, which shall be so located and designed as to prevent motor vehicles from damaging such devices. Systems wherein continuous pressure is maintained, or water is used to displace liquid from storage tanks, shall not be permitted. The use of aboveground storage tanks, tank cars, tank trucks or portable tanks in connection with gauging, vending and dispensing devices, shall not be permitted except for such equipment installed on tank vehicles complying with Section 15-24-1080 and tanks complying with Section 15-24-221 of this Code.
Every remote fuel system shall be equipped with a fuel leak detector valve or device located as close as possible to or within the pumping unit. An impact valve shall be provided at the base of each dispenser. Such devices and valves shall be listed by a testing laboratory which has as its primary purpose the testing and evaluation of equipment and materials to meet appropriate standards.
Automatic hose nozzle valves with latch-open devices shall not be permitted unless equipped with an automatic shut-off device to stop the flow of liquid when the valve is released from a fill opening or upon impact with pavement. All dispensing devices shall be located so that all parts of the vehicles being served will be on private property. In no case shall the dispensing hose be longer than 16 feet for filling stations and private locations. Where dispensing equipment is used exclusively for trucks or other large vehicles, automatic hose retrievers may be used, and shall not exceed 40 feet of hose.
Dispensing devices for motor vehicle fuel, except devices used exclusively for dispensing Class II or Class III flammable liquids within occupancy Class H3 buildings, shall not be permitted in buildings hereafter erected, altered or converted.
The dispensing of motor fuels which are Class I flammable liquids directly from tank vehicles shall be permitted only from tank vehicles complying with Section 15-24-1080 and tanks complying with Section 15-24-221 of this Code. Retail sales of motor fuel to motor vehicles from tank vehicles shall not be permitted. The filling of fuel tanks from tank vehicles shall not be permitted within buildings.
(Prior code § 129.1-18.1; Amend Coun. J. 2-16-89, p. 24942; Amend Coun. J. 10-31-90, p. 22573; Amend Coun. J. 5-2-95, p. 73; Amend Coun. J. 3-19-97, p. 41391)
The use of aboveground storage tanks, tank cars, tank trucks, or portable tanks in connection with vending, gauging, or dispensing of flammable liquids, other than for equipment installed on tank vehicles complying with Section 15-24-1080, shall be permitted only under the following limited circumstances:
(A) The construction and installation of the tanks must satisfy each of the following conditions and restrictions:
(1) Tanks shall be enclosed within a two- hour fire-rated assembly.
(2) The tank assembly shall provide 100 percent secondary containment of the flammable liquid. Dikes as required in Section 15-24-170 need not be provided.
(3) Tanks shall be limited to a capacity of 1,000 gallons.
(4) No more than two such aboveground tanks shall be installed or located at any one site.
(5) The tank shall be completely surrounded by a protective guardrail which is located a minimum of two feet away from the tank.
(6) Dispensing of the flammable liquid shall be by means of a pump which is permanently attached to the top of the enclosing assembly described in subsection (A)(1) above and which is equipped with an anti-syphon valve.
(7) Such tanks shall be located a minimum of ten feet away from any building or property line, except that tanks containing Class II or Class III liquids, as defined in Section 15-24-020, may be located within three feet of a fire-resistive wall without openings.
(8) Each tank shall bear the words, “Flammable – Keep Fire Away”, conspicuously on each side of the tank. The coloring of the letters shall be a color which contrasts with the color of the tank and the letters each must be a minimum of four inches high.
(9) A lockable fill cap shall be provided.
(10) Tanks shall be electrically grounded.
(11) Emergency vents conforming with Section 15-24-190B shall be provided for both the primary tank and the secondary containment space.
(B) Aboveground tanks used pursuant to this section shall not be used for any retail sales.
(Added Coun. J. 5-2-95, p. 73)
Warning signs prohibiting smoking and instructing customers to turn off ignition systems during filling operations shall be posted in a conspicuous location at each island. Such signs shall be metal or other material designed to withstand weather. Such signs shall have a white background with the words “No Smoking” and “Turn Off Engine” in red letters, a minimum of four inches high with a minimum of a one-half-inch stroke. Signs with directions for operation of the dispensing devices shall also be provided.
(Prior code § 129.1-18.3; Added Coun. J. 2-16-89, p. 24942)
Whenever in the following sections the words “safety clearance” are used, said words shall be construed to require a space open its entire area to the sky, and which shall be continuous on all sides of the building or structure; between such building and any other building, or property dividing lot line, or the lot line adjoining or adjacent to a public park, or any main line of street, electric, elevated railway or any other railway right-of-way.
(Prior code § 129.1-19)