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In addition to the requirements set forth in Section 4-4-050 , an application for, and, if requested, renewal of, a filling station license shall be accompanied by the following information:
(1) A statement specifying the capacity of every container or tank installed or to be installed upon the premises;
(2) If the applicant intends to repair or replace motor vehicle tires at the licensed location, the application shall also include a copy of the tire disposal contract required by Section 4-108-111. The department of streets and sanitation shall make available to licensees, upon request, a list of recycling services available in the city.
(Added Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 6-14-95, p. 3094; Amend Coun. J. 4-16-97, p. 42588; Amend Coun. J. 10-5-11, p. 8801, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 5-9-12, p. 27485, § 55)
4-4-050 | The hyper-linked material is not part of the Chicago Building Code infobase and therefore is not included herein. The material is included in other provisions of the Chicago Municipal Code. The complete Chicago Municipal Code is available for purchase from American Legal Publishing in both print and Folio® versions. Please click here for the appropriate American Legal order form in printable Adobe® PDF format. For additional information, you may visit American Legal's website by clicking here. |
The fee for each filling station license shall be as set forth in Section 4-5-010.
(Added Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 12-15-99, p. 21529, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-15-06, p. 92532, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-13-10, p. 83191, § 1)
No tank, container, pipe or other equipment for the storage and handling of flammable liquids shall be installed within 200 feet of the nearest boundary of any lot or plot of ground used for a school, hospital, church or theater.
No person shall locate, construct or maintain any filling station in connection with which there is installed any tank for the storage of flammable liquids on any lot or plot of ground without first obtaining the written consents of the property owners representing the majority of the total frontage in feet of any lot or plot of ground lying wholly or in part within lines 150 feet distant from and parallel to the boundaries of the entire lot or plot of ground to be used for and with such filling station, driveways and enclosing fences, if any; provided, however, that for the purpose of this section only the frontage of any such lot or plot of ground or that part of the frontage of any part of such lot or plot of ground as comes within the 150-foot limit herein prescribed shall be considered; and provided further, that any and all petitions containing such consents of property owners shall be based on and contain the legal description of the property affected, and that, for the purposes of this section, whenever the lot or plot of ground in which such tank is to be installed is in any shape other than a rectangle, the 150-foot limiting line aforementioned shall not exceed in distance 150 feet from any point in the boundaries of such lot or plot of ground.
These provisions shall not be applicable to the installation of a tank containing any of the oils referred to in Section 15-24-020 of this Code when such oils are to be used in connection with garages or manufacturing plants where such oils are incidental to the business conducted or oils used for fuel purposes, and when sold to customers of such garages or plants and dispensed from portable tanks or from pumps located inside of the premises not accessible directly from the street or from an open driveway.
Except as otherwise permitted by Chapter 15-24 of this Code, storage of flammable liquids shall be outside of buildings.
(Added Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465)
(a) Every licensee operating a self-service filling station shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) All self-service dispensing equipment shall be under the supervision of an attendant at all times that the establishment is open to the public.
(2) Upon request, a self-service filling station attendant shall assist an unaccompanied physically handicapped person, senior citizen or other person who is unable to safely refuel or recharge a motor vehicle.
(b) The commissioner may waive the requirements of this section for filling stations that are not open to the general public.
(Added Coun. J. 5-9-12, p. 27485, § 57)
It is unlawful for any person to dispense fuel or to provide any other service to a vehicle, or to offer to dispense fuel or to provide any other service to a vehicle at a filling station unless the person is the licensee of the filling station, an employee or agent of the licensee, or the operator or a passenger of the subject vehicle. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to a fine of $50.00.
(Added Coun. J. 7-14-93, p. 35528; Amend Coun. J. 5-9-12, p. 27485, § 58)