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Part A. General (13-12-160 et seq.)
In every new building and in every existing building undergoing extensive remodeling where a new electrical service or a new electric distribution center is to be installed, ample space in conformance with Section 14E-1-110 shall be provided for the electric service equipment, metering equipment, distribution cabinets, cutout cabinets, transformers and other equipment necessary for an electrical installation and ample working space around the said equipment. This space shall be readily accessible to every tenant of said building who has electric equipment for light, heat or power which is supplied through the above mentioned equipment.
(Added Coun. J. 11-3-99, p. 13842, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. II, § 4)
The building commissioner or the inspectors of this department shall have the power when necessary to cause the removal of any existing obstructions such as laths, plaster, drywall, boarding, or partitions which may prevent a perfect inspection of the electrical equipment.
(Added Coun. J. 11-3-99, p. 13842, § 2)
It shall be unlawful for any individual, company or corporation to sell, offer for sale, give away gratis, install, alter, repair, maintain or use any electrical equipment or appliance intended for use in the City of Chicago, which does not conform to the standards set forth in this Code.
(Added Coun. J. 11-3-99, p. 13842, § 2)
The building commissioner and designated employees are hereby empowered to cut off and discontinue current to electrical wiring and apparatus found to be dangerous to life and property. The building commissioner or authorized designees are hereby empowered to attach to electrical cabinets and equipment, any official notice or seal to prevent use of electricity, and it shall be unlawful for any other person to put or attach such seal or to break, change, destroy, tear, mutilate, cover, or otherwise deface or injure any such official notice or seal posted by an inspector of the Electrical Bureau.
(Added Coun. J. 11-3-99, p. 13842, § 2)
It shall be unlawful for any person in any way to cut, disturb, alter, or change any electrical wiring or to permit such electrical wiring to be cut, disturbed, altered, or changed, unless done in conformity with the electrical regulations of this Code.
(Added Coun. J. 11-3-99, p. 13842, § 2)