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Any person engaged in the business of furnishing or supplying illuminating gas in the city to any consumer shall be and hereby is required to furnish and supply such gas so far free from sulphurated hydrogen that it shall not discolor a test paper imbued with acetate of lead when such test paper is exposed to a column of gas issuing at a rate of not less than five cubic feet per hour for 60 seconds under a pressure of one and five- tenths inches of water, and so that 100 cubic feet of such gas shall not contain more than 30 grains of sulphur, and so that 100 cubic feet of such gas shall not contain more than five grains of ammonia.
(Prior code § 187-1)
All tests to be made for the purpose of establishing the percentage of sulphurated hydrogen in illuminating gas furnished by any person furnishing gas in the city, shall be made or conducted with the Tutweiler sulphurated hydrogen apparatus, and the sulphur in other forms shall be determined by means of the gas referees' sulphur-determining apparatus and methods ordinarily employed in the use of the same.
(Prior code § 187-2)
All gas furnished by any person engaged in the business of furnishing or supplying gas for heating, power or illuminating purposes in the city to any customer shall be and hereby is required to have a calorific value of not less than 800 British thermal units gross per cubic foot, as determined by a standard calorimeter measured at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and under a barometric pressure of 30 inches of mercury.
(Prior code § 187-3)
The pressure of all manufactured gas for heating, power or illuminating purposes supplied or furnished to any customer by any person engaged in the business of furnishing or supplying gas within the city shall at no time at the inlet of consumer's meter be less than one and one-half inches of water.
No consumer shall be supplied with gas having more than 100 percent fluctuation in pressure above the minimum pressure at the inlet of such consumer's meter.
(Prior code § 187-4)
No person engaged in the business of furnishing or supplying gas for consumption in the city shall require, demand, or receive a deposit of money or other valuable thing as a condition precedent to or as security for furnishing any consumer with a meter.
(Prior code § 187-5)