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An application for any permit issued under this chapter shall be made to the commissioner on a form provided by the department of buildings and shall be accompanied by the following:
(1) Any statements, drawings, designs, plans, specifications and related documents showing the location, configuration, dimensions and details of construction of the permitted work as the commissioner may require;
(2) The name and license number of the licensed drain layer who will perform the work, unless the work to be performed is sealing;
(3) A written agreement that the permitted work shall be done in compliance with the requirements of this Code, including, but not limited to, any requirements governing excavation in a public way or public place;
(4) An indemnification agreement as required by Section 11-16-070;
(5) The permit fee; and
(6) Any other information that the commissioner may require.
(Added Coun. J. 2-6-02, p. 78883, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1)
No permit shall be issued under this chapter unless the building commissioner approves in writing any statements, drawings, plans, specifications and related documents submitted pursuant to Section 11-16-050(1) of this chapter.
(Added Coun. J. 2-6-02, p. 78883, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1)
An applicant for a permit under this chapter shall agree to indemnify, defend and hold the city harmless against all liabilities, judgements, costs and expenses which may in any way result from the issuance of any permit under this chapter.
(Added Coun. J. 2-6-02, p. 78883, § 1)
The building commissioner is authorized to issue permits under this chapter. Permit fees shall be charged as follows:
(a) Connections to public sewers and extensions of private drains.
Six-inch diameter and smaller.....$75.00
Eight-inch diameter.....$125.00
Ten-inch to 16-inch diameter.....$175.00
18-inch to 21-inch diameter.....$225.00
24-inch and larger.....$300.00
Connections by public agencies of branch sewers or catch basin drains to main sewers.....$125.00 – $450.00
(b) Repairs and/or additions to existing sewers up to 20 feet.
Six-inch diameter and smaller.....$65.00
Eight-inch diameter.....$100.00
Over eight-inch diameter.....$125.00
Repairs or adjustment of a sewer structure in public way or on private property.....$50.00
Repair of an existing flood control system on private property.....$30.00
(c) Rodding or cleaning of private drains.....$20.00
(d) Seal permits (demolition).....$125.00
(e) Miscellaneous permit fees:
Sump pump only installation.....$50.00
Sump pump and drain tile installation.....$100.00
Flood control and overhead conversion.....$100.00
Inspection manholes (per manhole).....$100.00
Each townhouse/single-family residence unit of a planned development or subdivision (each house).....$65.00
Pumping water from basements of residential buildings up to six flat apartment buildings.....$30.00
Stubs (per stub).....$50.00
Installation of testing equipment in a manhole....$150.00
(f) Fees for videotaping, cleaning, lining and inspections of main sewers:
From zero to 500 linear feet of sewer.....$125.00
From 501 to 1,000 linear feet of sewer.....$200.00
Over 1,000 linear feet of sewer.....$275.00
(g) Other fees:
For sewer-related or building drain-related work applied for pursuant to this chapter with no associated permit fee, including the approved use of a pipe diameter not specified in this section, the commissioner of buildings is authorized to assess a permit fee for such work, based on the city's reasonable cost of issuing and administering the permit.
(Added Coun. J. 2-6-02, p. 78883, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-03, p. 14216, § 7.6; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 7-29-15, p. 3537, § 3)
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