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The certificate referred to in Section 13-36-040 may be issued in the case of a new building comprising more than three apartments so as to allow the occupancy of any completed section of the building extending from the basement to the roof in advance of the completion of the other portions of the building, when such portion is completely cut off from other parts of the building by a standard fire separation and all provisions for exits required by the building provisions of this Code have been complied with.
(Prior code § 44-5)
If a multiple dwelling hereafter erected is occupied as a place of habitation in any of its parts in violation of this chapter, it shall forthwith be subject to notice from the buildings commissioner, and shall be vacated upon such notice, and shall not again be occupied until made to conform with the building provisions of this Code, nor until after the issuance of the certificates required in this chapter.
(Prior code § 44-7; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604)
Any person violating, or resisting or opposing the enforcement of, this chapter, where no other penalty is provided, shall be fined in accordance with Section 13-12-040 for each offense. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense; and any builder or contractor who shall construct any building in violation of the provisions of this chapter, and any architect who shall design, draw plan for, or have supervision of such building, or who shall permit it to be constructed, shall be liable for the penalties provided by this section.
(Prior code § 44-8; Amend Coun. J. 12-15-04, p. 40435, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 11-21-17, p. 61858, Art. VIII, § 13)