30.01 Qualifications; oaths
30.02 Approval of bonds
30.03 Bonds; building inspector and plumbing inspector
30.04 Salaries
30.05 Authorizing the investment of surplus money
30.06 Reimbursement to city for personal calls from city telephone lines
30.07 Payment of telephone bills
30.08 Selection process for design and management services contracts
30.09 Public depositories
30.10 Residency requirements prohibited; exceptions
30.11 Credit/purchasing card policy
30.15 Waste Removal Fund
30.16 Swimming Pool Fund
30.17 Mayor's Court Computer Fund
30.18 OBBS Assessment Fund
30.19 EMS Fund
30.20 Community Oriented Police Expenditures Fund
30.21 Automotive Equipment Bonds Fund
30.22 D.U.I. Sustenance of Prisoners Fund
30.23 Field House Shelter Fund
30.24 Capital Investment Fund
30.25 Covid Relief Fund
30.26 Covid Relief Fund - Hamilton County
30.27 ARPA - American Rescue Plan Act Fund
Each officer of the corporation, or any department or board thereof, whether elected or appointed as a substitute for a regular officer, shall be an elector within the corporation, except as otherwise expressly provided, and before entering upon his official duties shall take an oath to support the constitutions of the United States and of Ohio, and an oath that he will faithfully, honestly, and impartially discharge the duties of his office. Provisions concerning official oaths shall apply to deputies, but they need not be electors.
(R.C. § 733.68)
The official bonds of all municipal officers shall be prepared by the law director. Except as otherwise provided in this title, they shall be in such sum as the council prescribes by general or special ordinance and be subject to the approval of the mayor, except that the mayor's bond shall be approved by the council, or, if it is not legally organized, by the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the corporation or the larger part thereof is situated.
(R.C. § 733.70)
The building inspector and the plumbing inspector shall be required to furnish bond according to law to the city in the amount specified by council, the bond being conditioned and that the principal thereof will well and truly perform all of the duties of his office and faithfully account to the city for all moneys collected.
('73 Code, § 30.03)