1125.01   Intent.
1125.02   Governmental signs.
1125.03   Signs not requiring a permit.
1125.04   Regulations and limitation on signs requiring a permit.
1125.05   Prohibited signs.
1125.06   Temporary signs.
1125.07   Political signs.
1125.08   Nonconforming signs.
1125.09   Construction specifications.
1125.10   Maintenance, removal and disposal of signs.
1125.11   Permits, fees and specifications.
1125.12   Administration and enforcement.
1125.13   Violations.
1125.01 INTENT.
   The purpose of this chapter is to promote and protect the public health, welfare and safety by regulating existing and proposed outdoor advertising, outdoor advertising signs and outdoor signs of all types. It is intended to protect property values, create a more attractive economic and business climate, enhance and protect the physical appearance of the community, and preserve the scenic and natural beauty of designated areas. It is further intended to reduce sign or advertising distractions and sight obstructions that may contribute to traffic accidents, reduce hazards that may be caused by signs overhanging or projecting over public rights-of-way, provide more open space and curb the deterioration of the natural environment and enhance community development.
   For the purpose of this Regulation, "sign" does not include signs erected and maintained pursuant to and in discharge of any governmental function, or required by any law, ordinance or governmental regulation.
   (a)   Real Estate Signs as defined in Section 1125.06 (d).
   (b)   Professional nameplates are not to exceed two (2) square feet in residential areas and not exceed four (4) square feet in other areas.
   (c)   Signs denoting the name and address of the occupants of the premises, not to exceed two (2) square feet in area.
   (d)   Signs denoting that Crime Watch programs are in effect in an area not to exceed two (2) square feet in area.
   (a)   General Requirements:
      (1)   Signs shall not be posted in any place or in any manner that is destructive to public property upon posting or removal.
      (2)   Signs shall not be erected, affixed or maintained on any tree, traffic device, telephone or utility pole, trash receptacle, on any other unapproved supporting structure unless otherwise authorized herein.
      (3)   Signs shall meet the size, height, location and setback requirements for the district in which it is located, unless otherwise specified herein.
      (4)   A permit will be required for all signs unless otherwise specified herein.
      (5)   Permanent signs shall not be erected in any public rights of way.
      (6)   Any illuminated sign which is clearly visible from any residential district shall not be illuminated between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. unless it is accessory to a business or commercial use open for business during such hours.
      (7)   No person shall erect, construct or maintain any sign upon any property or building without the consent of the owner or persons entitled to possession of the property or building if any, or their authorized representatives.
      (8)   The Zoning Inspector may declare any sign unlawful if it endangers public safety by reasons of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation or abandonment, or if the sign fails to conform to this Regulation. The Zoning Inspector may declare any such sign to be unlawful and such declaration shall state in writing the reason or reasons why such sign and keeping, owning, maintenance, construction and display or operation thereof is unlawful under the terms of this Regulation.
   (b)   Billboards: Billboards may be erected on ground or wall locations in industrial districts only, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Signs on the same street facing the same traffic flow shall not be placed closer together than 900 feet.
      (2)   The signs can be double-faced and each side shall be considered as facing traffic flowing in the opposite direction.
      (3)   At the intersection of two streets, double or single faced signs at right angles to and facing traffic on one street may be situated closer than 900 feet to a similarly positioned sign across the street at right angles to and, therefore, facing traffic on the second street.
      (4)   The maximum permitted area of a billboard shall not exceed two hundred fifty (250) square feet of total area for a bulletin unit or poster unit.
      (5)   Structures for billboards shall be of vertical (cantilever) construction and where the back of the sign is visible it shall be suitably painted or otherwise covered to present a neat and clean appearance.
      (6)   The area around the sign structures shall be kept clean and all scrub brush, tall grass, etc. shall be cleared away to a distance of at least five (5) feet to the rear and sides of the structure as well as to the front property line and if on a corner, to both property lines.
      (7)   The signs can be illuminated each day from dusk to midnight only.
      (8)   No part of any sign structure shall be closer to any street line or the nearest building within 100 feet.
      (9)   When a sign is erected between two buildings that are within 100 feet of the structure, no part of the structure shall be erected closer to any street line than a line drawn from the nearest front corner of the two buildings.
   (c)   All Other Permanent Signs:
      (1)   General size allowed: The total signage (copy area) allowed for any place of business will be based on the business or store frontage calculated from the following formula:
Store Frontage
Total Copy Area
0 to 25 Feet
2 Sq. Ft. per linear foot of store frontage
25 to 50 Feet
50 Sq. Ft. plus 2 Sq. Ft. per linear foot of frontage over 25 feet
50 Feet and Up
100 Sq. Ft. plus 1.5 Sq. Ft. per linear foot of frontage over 50 feet or 250 Sq. Ft. whichever is less.
      (2)   Freestanding on premises signs in R, B, I, District permitted signs.
         A.   One on-premise free standing sign with 1 or 2 faces is permitted for each premise having frontage on a public right-of-way (excluding alleys and serviceways). The signage area applies to the maximum total permitted in subsections (c)(2)C. and (c)(1) hereof.
         B.   If a premises fronts on more than one public right-of-way (excluding alleys and serviceways) and the lot frontage exceeds 300 feet, one free standing on-premises sign with 1 or 2 faces is permitted on each street. The signage area applies to the maximum total permitted according to subsections (c)(2)C. and (c)(1) hereof.
         C.   Area, height, setback chart:
RS-2/RT- 4/RS-4
         D.   Signs shall be designed to be viewed from the public right-of-way they front upon.
         E.   One freestanding one or two faced joint identification sign shall be permitted for two or more combined, permitted business uses on the same premise, to include identifying shopping centers or other building complexes. Such sign shall replace the freestanding sign allowed in subsection (c)(2)A. hereof. One square foot of sign area is permitted for each two linear feet of store frontage, providing that the total sign area shall not exceed 75 square feet per side. This area applies to that permitted in subsections (c)(1) and (c)(2)C. hereof. Increments of area from each tenant will be gathered together for the Joint Identification sign. This section applies to business tracts over two acres.
      (3)   Minimum setbacks:  
         A.   Freestanding signs located within 100 feet of the nearest boundary of any premise zoned residential on the same public right-of-way must be set back the same distance as the setback for the adjoining residential property.
         B.   See subsection (c)(2)C. hereof.
      (4)   Other:
         A.   When a freestanding sign projects over a vehicular traffic area, such as a driveway of a parking area the minimum clearance between the bottom of the sign and the ground shall be 14 feet.
         B.   Freestanding signs are intended as identification signs and as such may contain the name of the premises but must be free of advertising.
         C.   See Chart. The size of freestanding sign may be increased by 10% for each 50' set back over 50', not to exceed 50%.
      (5)   Freestanding on premises signs in PUD’s: Under conditions as specified in Table 3 different regulations apply for free standing signs specified under PUD. The following:
         A.   The freestanding signs specified in Table 3 are the only freestanding signs permitted under the specified conditions.
         B.   The signage area permitted for the freestanding signs is in addition to the total signage area permitted in subsection (c)(1) hereof.
      (6)   Wall signs:
         A.   Premises located on corner lots may place wall (Facia) signs on the front of the building, the side of the building facing a public street or both the front and side of the building providing that the total signage does not exceed the total signage allowed for the places of business (See subsections (c)(1) and (c)(2)C. hereof).
         B.   The size of wall signs may be increased in size 10% for each 100 feet set back over 300', not to exceed total 50% increase.
      (7)   Roof signs: 
         A.   Roof signs are permitted in "VB" and "LI-HI" districts as a conditional use only.
         B.   Roof signs shall be limited to on-premise signs.
         C.   Roof signs shall not rotate.
         D.   Roof signs on buildings which do not exceed forty (40) feet in height and which are designed for viewing by traffic passing by the sign installation shall:
            1.   Be limited to two (2) faces.
            2.   Not exceed a height from the top of the parapet of:
               a.   Six feet for building heights 0 to 15 feet
               b.   Eight feet for building heights 16 to 25 feet
               c.   Ten feet for building heights 26 to 40 feet.
               d.   Roof signs that are located on buildings adjacent to freeways in any "VB" or "LI-HI" district are oriented for viewing by traffic on freeways may extend up to a maximum height of 25 feet above the grade of the freeway.
         E.   Roof signs on multi-storied buildings designed to be viewed from distant points, may have two (2) faces and constructed in the form of an architectural blade or four (4) faces and constructed in the form of a penthouse.
         F.   The total signage (copy area) allowed shall be as specified in subsection (c)(1) hereof.
      (8)   Projecting signs:
         A.   Any place of business with frontage on a public right-of-way is permitted to have one projecting sign along that public street. The projecting sign may exist instead of, but not in addition to, a freestanding sign or roof sign. Where a premises is allowed two freestanding signs, the occupant may elect to substitute a projecting sign for one of the freestanding signs. If a premises has at least 300 feet of frontage along any one right-of-way, the occupant may have two projecting signs.
         B.   Subject to an absolute limit of four (4) feet from the building to which the sign is attached and two (2) feet back from the public right-of-way including sidewalks, projecting signs are limited to three (3) inches for each linear foot of building front measured from the sign location to the nearest side line of the business frontage. Subject to the absolute limit of four (4) feet from the building, signs on corner properties at 45 degrees to the corner are permitted a 20 % increase on the formula of three (3) inches for each linear foot of building front.
         C.   Projecting signs shall not be higher than the top of the parapet.
         D.   Projecting signs shall have a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet between the bottom of the sign and the finished grade.
         E.   All projecting signs shall be installed or erected in such a manner that there shall be no visible angle iron support structure above a roof building face or wall.
         F.   Projecting signs are permitted in "GB", "VB" and "LI-HI" districts only.
         G.   The total signage (copy area) allowed shall be as specified in subsection (c)(1) hereof.
      (9)   Canopy and marquee signs:   
         A.   Canopy signs shall be limited to two (2) faces.
         B.   The sign shall not project forward of the front of the canopy.
         C.   Canopy signs may be installed above or below the canopy proper.
            1.   If the signs are installed above the canopy, the top edge of the sign shall not raise above the top edge of the parapet or the floor level of the floor above on a multi-storied building.
            2.   If the sign is installed below the canopy, the bottom edge of the sign shall not be less than nine (9) feet from the sidewalk.
         D.   On places of public entertainment, such as theaters, arenas, etc., a changeable copy sign is allowed.
         E.   A freestanding sign supported by a sign structure which is imbedded in the ground and independent of a canopy for structural support, may project above and over a canopy. This section shall not be deemed to allow a freestanding sign to be located over, in whole or in part, the roof of a building. A freestanding sign which projects over a canopy shall comply with the requirements for canopy signs.
         F.   The total signage (copy area) allowed shall be as specified in subsection (c)(1) hereof.
      (10)   Signs on awnings:  
         A.   Signs consisting of one line of letters may be painted, placed or installed upon the hanging border only of any awning erected and maintained in accordance with this Regulation.
         B.   The lettering on the hanging border shall not exceed nine (9) inches in height.
         C.   The bottom edge of the hanging border shall not be less than nine (9) feet from the sidewalk.
         D.   An identification emblem, insignia, initial or other similar feature may be painted, placed or installed elsewhere on any awning provided that any sign, emblem, insignia or other such similar item shall comply with all other provisions of this Regulation.
         E.   Signs on awning may be used in lieu of, but not in addition to, freestanding signs, projecting signs and roof signs.
         F.   The total signage (copy area) allowed shall be as specified in subsection (c)(1) hereof.
      (11)   Signs on sloping roofs: A sign may be attached to or located on the sloping roof of a building in any "VB" or "LI-HI" district under the following conditions:
         A.   The sign shall not extend forward of the lower roof line.
         B.   The top of the sign must not extend above the top roof line.
         C.   All roof signs shall be installed or erected in such a manner that there shall be no visible support structure.
         D.   The sign shall be limited to two (2) faces.
         E.   Sloping roof signs may be used in lieu of, but not in addition to walls signs, free standing signs and projecting signs.
         F.   The total signage (copy area) allowed shall be as specified in subsection (c)(1) hereof.