1117.01 General provisions.
1117.02 Public street frontage required.
1117.03 Principal buildings per lot.
1117.04 Reduction of area or space.
1117.05 Architectural projections into required yards.
1117.06 Exceptions to height regulations.
1117.07 Accessory buildings.
1117.08 Conversion of dwellings to more units.
1117.09 Setback requirements for corner lots or through lots.
1117.10 Fences, walls, and vegetation.
1117.11 Required trash areas.
1117.12 Outdoor storage and waste disposal.
1117.13 Private accessory swimming pools.
1117.14 Private recreation facilities.
1117.15 Screening.
1117.16 Drive-in service.
1117.17 Parking and storage of mobile homes and vehicles other than passenger cars.
1117.18 Community based residential social service facilities.
1117.19 Christmas tree sales.
1117.20 Junk.
1117.21 Junk yards.
1117.22 Reserved.
1117.23 Mineral extraction operations.
1117.24 Temporary uses.
1117.25 Cemeteries.
1117.26 Reserved.
1117.27 Reserved.
1117.28 Home occupations.
1117.29 Minimum floor area per dwelling unit.
1117.30 Churches within residential districts.
1117.31 Property maintenance.
1117.32 Emergency abatement of public nuisance.
1117.33 Rental and leased property.
1117.34 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC).
No new lot shall be created nor shall any building be erected upon a lot which does not possess the required minimum frontage upon a public street establishment for the district in which such lot is located or unless a variance is otherwise granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
No more than one principal building or structure may be constructed upon any one lot for the purposes of this Regulation. The construction of more than one principal building or structure upon any one lot shall require either that approval of a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals or be approved as part of a Planned Unit Development.