(a)   General: Any sign erected prior to the enactment of the amendment to the Zoning Regulation and not conforming to the provisions of this amended Regulation shall be deemed to be non-conforming.
   (b)   Definition of Non-Conforming Sign: Any sign located within the Village on the date of adoption of the Regulation which does not conform with the provisions of this Regulation is eligible for classification as a "non-conforming" sign provided it also meets the following requirements:
      (1)   The sign was covered by a sign permit or variance on the date of adoption of this Regulation; or,
      (2)   If no sign permit was required for the sign in question, the sign was in all respects in compliance with the Regulation in effect on the date of adoption of this amended Regulation.
   (c)   Rules for Non-Conforming Signs:
      (1)   Non-conforming signs shall be removed or brought into compliance with this Regulation within 60 months from the effective date of this Regulation.
      (2)   A non-conforming sign shall not be replaced by another non-conforming sign except that the substitution or interchange of poster panels, painted boards or demountable material on non-conforming signs shall be permitted through the period prescribed by this chapter.
      (3)   Minor repairs and maintenance of non-conforming signs such as repainting, electrical repairs and neon tubing repair shall be permitted. However, no structural repairs or changes in the size or shape of the sign shall be permitted except to make the sign comply with the requirements of this chapter.
      (4)   If a non-conforming sign is damaged to more than one-half (½) of its replacement value then it shall be removed and shall not be repaired or replaced.
      (5)   Any non-conforming sign which is altered, relocated or replaced shall comply with all provisions of this Regulation as if it were a new sign.
      (6)   Signs which are illegally erected, established or maintained with respect to the applicable requirements of prior Regulations shall be removed or brought into compliances with this Regulation.
      (7)   Non-conforming signs made of paper, cloth or other nondurable material, and any signs that are not affixed to a building or the ground or are located within a public right-of-way, shall be removed within 30 days from the effective date of this Regulation.