The following regulations are necessary to govern the operation of certain uses which are nonpermanent in nature. Application for a Temporary Zoning Permit shall be made to the Zoning Inspector, containing a graphic description of the proposed use, and sufficient information to determine yard requirements, setbacks, sanitary facilities, and parking space for the proposed temporary use. The following uses are deemed to be temporary uses and shall be subject to the specific regulations and time limits which follow and to the regulations of any district in which such use is located.
   (a)   Carnivals, Circuses, Tent Meetings, Bazaars, Festivals, Art Shows, or Other Similar Public Events may be permitted within any non-residential district and upon church, school or other similar sites within any residential district. Permits for temporary events may be obtained from the Mayor or Zoning Administrator and must be requested not less than 15 days prior to the event. Such uses shall only be provided on lots where adequate off-street parking can be provided and shall not be permitted for a period longer than fifteen (15) days.
   (b)   Christmas Tree Sales may be permitted within any non-residential district for a period not exceeding thirty-five (35) days.
   (c)   Real Estate Sales Offices may be permitted within any district for any new subdivision which has been approved by the Planning Commission under the Subdivision Regulations for the Village. Such office shall contain no living accommodations. The permit shall be valid for one (1) year, but may be granted two (2) six-month extensions if conditions warrant such renewal. Such office shall be removed upon completion of sales of the lots therein, or upon expiration of the Temporary Zoning Permit, whichever occurs sooner.
   (d)   Temporary office for contractors and equipment sheds incidental to a construction project may be permitted within any district. The permit shall not be valid for more than one (1) year but may be renewed for six-month extensions if construction is substantially underway. Such uses shall be removed immediately upon completion of the construction project, or upon expiration of the Temporary Zoning Permit whichever occurs sooner.
   (e)   The temporary placement of a mobile home upon a lot which already contains a residential structure may be permitted where the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that special circumstances or conditions such as fires, windstorms, or other similar events which are fully described in the findings of the Board, exist, such that the use of a temporary residential structure is necessary in order to prevent an exceptional hardship on the applicant, provided that such a temporary structure does not represent a hazard to the safety, health, or welfare of the community.
An applicant for a Temporary Zoning Permit under subsection (e) must produce a written statement for the Greene County Health Department approving the water supply and wastewater disposal system of the temporary mobile home location. Such permit may be initially issued for nine (9) months, renewable for up to three (3) months time for all permits, not exceeding a total of twelve (12) months.
   (f)   Temporary sales may be permitted within parking lots within any business district. A temporary Zoning Permit for such sales shall only be issued once within any four (4) month period and shall not exceed a period of seven (7) consecutive days unless otherwise approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals. A temporary use permit shall not be issued if it is determined by the Zoning Inspector that encroachment of more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the required storage or parking areas will take place.
   (g)   Garage sales may be permitted within any district in which dwellings are permitted. Garage sales may be permitted three times for any particular lot within any twelve (12) month period and shall not exceed a period of seven (7) consecutive days. Accessory parking shall be provided upon the lot in such a manner as to not create a traffic hazard.