   Before the publication of notice of budget estimates required by IC 6-1.1-17-3, the town shall formulate a budget estimate for the ensuing budget year in the following manner, unless it provides by ordinance for a different manner:
   (A)   Each department head shall prepare for his department an estimate of the amount of money required for the ensuing budget year, stating in detail each category and item of expenditure he anticipates.
   (B)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall prepare an itemized estimate of revenues available for the ensuing budget year, and shall prepare an itemized estimate of expenditures for other purposes above the money proposed to be used by the departments.
   (C)   The Town Manager shall meet with the department heads and the Clerk-Treasurer to review and revise their various estimates.
   (D)   After the Town Manager’s review and revision, the Clerk- Treasurer shall prepare for the President of the Town Council a report of the estimated department budgets, miscellaneous expenses, and revenues necessary or available to finance the estimates.
(IC 36-5-3-3) (Ord. 404, passed 4-17-85)
   The Clerk-Treasurer shall present the report of budget estimates to the Town Council under IC 6-1.1-17-1 through 6-1.1-17-19. After reviewing the report, the Town Council shall prepare an ordinance fixing the rate of taxation for the ensuing budget year and an ordinance making appropriations for the estimated department budgets and other town purposes during the ensuing budget year. The Town Council, in the appropriation ordinance, may change any estimated item from the figure submitted in the report of the Clerk-Treasurer. The Town Council shall promptly act on the appropriation ordinance.
(IC 36-5-3-4)
   After the passage of the appropriation ordinance, the Town Council may make further or additional appropriations by ordinance, unless their result is to increase the tax levy set under IC 6-1.1-17-1 through 6-1.1-17-19. The Town Council may, by ordinance, decrease any appropriation set by ordinance.
(IC 36-5-3-5)
   (A)   Subject to IC 5-1-11.5 and IC 5-11-1-4(c), the Town Council may issue bonds for the purpose of procuring money to be used in the exercise of the powers of the town and for the payment of town debts. However, a town may not issue bonds to procure money to pay current expenses.
   (B)   Bonds issued under this section are payable in the amounts and at the times determined by the Town Council.
   (C)   Bonds issued under this section are subject to the provisions of IC 5-1 and IC 6-1.1-20 relating to the following:
      (1)   The filing of a petition requesting the issuance of bonds and giving notice of the petition.
      (2)   The giving of notice of a hearing on the appropriation of the proceeds of bonds.
      (3)   The right of taxpayers to appear and be heard on the proposed appropriation.
      (4)   The approval of the appropriation by the department of local government finance.
      (5)   The right of:
         (a)   Taxpayers and voters to remonstrate against the issuance of bonds in the case of a proposed bond issue described by IC 6-1.1-20-3.1(a); or
         (b)   Voters to vote on the issuance of bonds in the case of a proposed bond issued described by IC 6-1.1-20-3.5(a).
      (6)   The sale of bonds at public sale for not less than their par value.
(IC 36-5-2-11(a) - (c))
   Unless a statute provides otherwise, town monies may be disbursed only after an appropriation made by ordinance of the Town Council and recorded in a book kept for that purpose by the Town Council. Each appropriation must be made from the fund against which the expenses arose.
   (A)   The Town Council or any other board of the town may order the issuance of warrants for payment of money by the town only at a meeting of the Town Council or such other board.
   (B)   A town officer who violates this section forfeits the town officer’s office.
(IC 36-5-4-3)
   (A)   The Town Council or any other board of the town may allow a claim:
      (1)   Only at a meeting of the Town Council or such other board; and
      (2)   Only if the claim was filed in the manner prescribed by IC 5-11-10-2 at least five days before the meeting.
   (B)   A town officer who violates this section forfeits the town officer’s office.
(IC 36-5-4-4)
   (C)   As used in this section, “CLAIM” means a bill or an invoice submitted for goods or services.
   (D)   Except as provided in IC 36-5-4-12, a warrant for payment of a claim against the town may be issued only if the claim is:
      (1)   Supported by a fully itemized invoice or bill under IC 5-11-10-1.6;
      (2)   Filed with the Clerk-Treasurer;
      (3)   Certified by the Clerk-Treasurer before payment that each invoice is true and correct; and
      (4)   Allowed by the Town Council or by the board of the town having jurisdiction over allowance of the payment of the claim.
   (E)   The certification by the fiscal officer under subsection (3) must be on a form prescribed by the State Board of Accounts.
(IC 36-5-4-6)