(A)   Creation and composition of EMS Board. There is hereby created an Emergency Medical Services Board. The Board shall be composed of seven members who shall be appointed by the Commissioners of the county for the term of one year. An individual’s membership shall terminate if said individual no longer represents the “category”he or she was chosen to represent. Any appointment to fill a vacancy occurring on the Board shall be for the unexpired term.
   (B)   Duties and responsibilities of the EMS Board.
      (1)   The County Emergency Medical Services Board is an advisory committee to the County Commissioners. Its mission is to review and establish good sound medical direction for all emergency medical services in the county.
      (2)   The Emergency Medical Services Board is not intended to direct medical treatment (i.e., drug dosages, or treatments, this is the responsibility of a department’s Medical Director), but to ensure that the policies of a particular department do not interfere with the continuum of care provided by other departments in the patient care chain that begins with first responders and ends with patient care being turned over to Emergency Department personnel.
      (3)   The Emergency Medical Services Board shall also study current and future needs and directions for emergency medical services in the county as concerns arise.
   (C)   Organization of Emergency Medical Services Board. A representative from the County Commissioners shall serve as temporary Chairperson of the Emergency Medical Services Board and shall convene the first meeting of the Emergency Medical Services Board. At its first meeting, the Emergency Medical Services Board may select from its membership such officers as it deems necessary. The Emergency Medical Services Board may meet as often as necessary, but said meetings shall be held at least quarterly each year.
(Ord. 2021-07, passed 10-4-2021)